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Newtown, VA.
Teachers Report - Month of March 1869

Name of your Sch? Newtown, VA.
Day or night Sch? Day   
What Grade? Prim. + Sec.
When Pres. session Commenced? February 1869
When close? June 29, '69
Is sch. sup. by Ed. Society? Yes
What? Pres. Com. H. Missions.
Is sch. sup. wholly by L. Sch. Board No.
Name? 0   
Amt. p'd? 0
Is sch. sup. in part L. Sch. Board No.
Name? 0  
Amt. p'd? 0
Is sch. sup. wholly by Freedmen? No.
Amt. p'd? 0
Is sch. sup. in part by Freedmen? Yes
Amt. p'd? $5.00
Have you had Transportation this term? No
Who owns Sch. building? Freedmen
Is rent p'd by F. Bureau? No.
How much per mo? 0
No. Teachers & Assists? 1
Wh? 0
Cd? 1
Enrollment for month? 43
M? 23
F? 20
Enrolled last report? 39
Left Sch. this Mo? 0
New. Scholars? 4
Av. attendance? 36
Tuition p'd? 0
Wh. pupils? 0

Hrs. per day? 6
Day taught this mo? 22

Always present? 30
Always punctual? 24
Over 16? 3
Alphabet? 15
Spell & R easy less? 21
Adv Readers? 7
Geog.? 0
Arith? 10