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STATION BOOK of Officers and Civilians on duty in the Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands Department of the Potomac

[[8 Columned Table]]
| NAME | RANK | COMMAND | STATION | DUTY | Order Assigning to duty | REMARKS January | REMARKS February |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Schofield J.M. | Brig & Bvt Maj Gen'l USA | Head Qrs. Dept. Potomac. Bu, R.F. and A.L. | Richmond Va | Asst. Comr | Letter from Maj Genl. Comr. dated Aug. 16th 66 |   |   |
| Brown O. | Col. and Bt. Brig Genl. Vols |  Head Qrs. Dept. Potomac. Bu: R.F. and A.L. | Richmond Va | A.A.A.G. | S.O. 238. A.G.O. Series 1865 G.O. 1. H.Q. A.C. Dept. Va. 1866 |   |   |
| Johnson James | Major. | Sixth. Dist. Dept. Potomac Bu. R.F. and A.L. | Fredericksburg Va | Supt | S.O. 623 A.G.O. Series 1865 S.O. 116. H.Q. A.C. D P. Va. 1866 |   |   |
| DeLamater J.J. | Surgeon | Hd. Qrs. Dept. Potomac. Bu R.F. and A.L. | Richmond Va | Surg & Chf. | S.O. 24. Par. 2. H.Q.A C. Dept. Va 65 |   |   |
| White Geo Q. | Capt. AQM. Bt. Maj | Hd. Qrs. Dept. Potomac. Bu R.F. and A.L. | Richmond Va | Chf. Q M and F.A. | S.O. 70. Par. 1. H.Q.A C. Dept. Va 65 |   |   |
| Whytal L.G. | Capt. AQM. Bt. Lt. Col | Fifth Dist. Dept. Potomac. Bu R.F. and A.L. | Fort Monroe Va | In chge property | S.O. 137 A.G.O. Series 1866 S.O. 62. Par 2. Asst Comr. Va 66 |   |   |
| Remington J.H. | Capt.and Bt. Maj. | Eighth Dist. Dept. Potc. Bu R.F. and A.L. | Wytheville Va | Supt: | S.O. 16 A.G.O. Series 1866 S.O. 172. Par 1. H.Q. A.C. Dept Potc 66 |   | Relieved by S.O. 24. Par I dated 21st Febr. 1867. H'd Q'rs A.C. D. P'c. and appointed Supt.1st Dist with H'd Q'rs at Norfolk, Norfolk Co |
| Sherwood G.P. | Capt.and Bt. Maj. | Wythe Grayson. Carroll Smythe Bland and Tazewell Counties 8th D.| Wytheville Va | Asst Supt | S.O. 149 A.G.O. Series 1866 S.O. 14. Supt. 8th Dist. 66 |   | Relieved by S.O. 24. Par 3 dated 21st Febr. 1867. H'd Q'rs A.C. D. P'c. and assigned for duty in 5th Dist with Hd Qrs at Drummondstown, Accomac Co |
| McDonnell J.A | Captain | Nineth Dist. Dept. Potc. Bu R.F. and A.L. | Winchester Va | Supt. | S.O. 112 A.G.O. Series 1866 S.O. 169. Par 4. H.Q. A.C. Dept. Poto 66 |   |   |
| Austin W.P. | Captain | First Dist. Dept. Potc Bu R.F. and A.L. | Norfolk Va | Supt. | S.O. 112 A.G.O. Series 1866 S.O. 95 Par. 2 A.Q.A.C. Dept Va. 66 |   | Relieved by S.O. 24. Par I dated 21st Febr. 1867. Hd Qrs A.C. D. Pc. and appointed Supt 8th Dist with H'd Q'rs at Wytheville, Wythe Co |
| Morse W.R. | Capt. and Bt. Maj | Fourth Dist. Dept. Potc. Bu R.F. and A.L. | Gordonsville Va | Supt. | S.O. 623 A.G.O. Series 1865 S.O. 96.. Par 5. H.Q.A.C. Dept Va 66 |   |   |