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[[8 Columned Table]]
| NAME | RANK | COMMAND | STATION | DUTY | Order Assigning to duty | REMARKS January | REMARKS February |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Armstrong S.C. | Civilian | 5th Dist. Dept. Potc. Bu R. F and A.L. | Fort. Monroe Va | Supt | S.O. 41. Par. 2, Asst. Comr Va 66  Salary $___. per month |   |   |
| Lacey R.S. | Civilian | 7th Dist. Dept. Potc Bu R.F and A.L. | Lynchburg Va | Supt | S.O. 112. Par 5. H.Q. Dept. Va 66  Salary $100. per month | Rate of salary changed from $100. per month to pay of Capt & A.Q.M. January 10th 1867. by order of Genl Howard. to date back to Dec 1st 1866 |   |
| Barnes J W. | Civilian | Nansemond Co  Isle of Wight Co | Suffolk | Asst. Supt | S.O. 2 Par 2. H.Q. A.C. Dep. P. 67  appt'd to date from 23_ Dec 66  salary $100. per month |   |   |
| Butts F.A. | Civilian | King William Co | King Wm. C.H. | Asst Supt | Letter of appointment from H.Q. A.C. Dept. Va 66  Salary $100. per month | County of King Wm. transferred to 3d Sub Dist by S.O. 187. Par 4. H.Q.A.C. D P. Series 1867. |   |
| Goodyear C.P. | Civilian | Warwick Co | Newport News | Asst Supt | S.O. 38. Par.__ Supt 5. Dist. 66  Salary $100. per month |   | Resigned 28th Febr. 1867. |
| Tukey F.S. | Civilian | Augusta Co  Highland Co | Staunton | Asst Supt. | S.O. 91. Par. 6. H.Q.A.C. Dept. Va 66 Salary $100. per month |   |   |
| Morey F.A. | Civilian | Warwick Co | Newport News | Asst Supt. |   |   | S.O. 26. Pa.r II. H'd Q'rs A.C. Dept. Potc.  Salary $100. per month Febr. 25/67. |

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Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-06 15:01:46 PUNCTUATION WAS NEEDED IN ALMOST ALL OF THE TRANSCRIPTION. Fort. Monroe has a period because Fort. is short for Fortress, in this case.