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[[9 Columned Table]]

| Name | Rank | Remarks. June | Remarks. July | Remarks. August | Remarks. September | Remarks. October | Remarks. November | Remarks. December | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| Fleming,. Geo. M. | 1st Lieut 11 U.S.I. |   | Relieved from duty in Bur by S.O 91, Par 2, H.Q. A.C. Va dated July 31 1868. |   |   |   |   |   |
| Mahony, Andrew | 1st Lieut 45 USI | Relieved from duty in Bur. by S.O 62, Par. 1, H.Q. A.C, Va dated June 3 1868. |   |   |   |   |   |   |
| Field, Edward | 1st Lt & Bvt Capt 12 USI |   | So much of S.O. 1, CS, HQ 10 S Dist Va, which assigned Capt Field to duty as A.S.A.C. 1st Div 10th S Dist (Alexandria Co) is approved by S.O. 82, Par 3, H.Q. A.C. Va, dated July 9, 1868 |   |   |   | Rel'd from duty in Bur by S.O. 164, Par 1, H.Q. A.C. Va., dat. Dec.28, 1868 | 
| Coulter, Will. A. | 1st Lt & Bvt Capt 12th U.S.I. |   |   |   |   |   |   | Rel'd fro duty as A.A.A. Genl by S.O. 165, Par 2, H.Q. A.C. Va., dat. Dec. 30, 1868. Assgd to the charge of the 5 S.D. with Hd Qrs at Winchester, Va., by S.O. 165, Par 3, H.Q. A.C. Va., dat Dec 30, 1868.  See Cir. 33, H.Q. A.C. Va., Dec 30/68 |
| Ewing, E.S. | 1st Lt & Bvt Maj 34 USI |   |   |   |   |   |   | Assd. to duty as ASAC in chge of 1st Div 2nd S Dist by S.O. 152, Par 5, H.Q. A.C. Va., dat. Dec 12, 1868  Rel'd from duty as ASAC by S.O. 165, Par 2, H.Q. A.C. Va, dat Dec 30/68, & ass'd to the chge of the 2nd S.D., with Hd Qrs at Petersburg, Va., by S.O. 165, Par 3, H.Q. A.C. Va., dat. Dec 30/68 (See Cir. 33, H.Q. A.C. Va., dat. Dec 30/68) |