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[[7 columned table]] | Name| Appointment | Remarks January | Remarks February | Remarks March | Remarks April | Remarks May| | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---| | Stowell,. W.H.H. | Agent | | | {Appointed an Agt. March 31,1868. Salary $100 per month - Assigned to the chge of the 6. Div. 2 S.D., with Hd Qrs at Lewistown, Va. by S.O. 30, Par. 4, H.Q. A.C., Va, dated March 31, 1868. - | | {Relieved as A.S.A.C. 6. Div. 2 S. Dist, and assigned to duty as A.S.A.C. of Div. 11. S. Dist with Hd Qrs at Halifax, Va, by S.O. 59, Par. 2, H.Q. A. Com'r Va., dated May 25, 1868.| | Burke, John | Agent | | | | {Appointed an Agt. Apr 1. 1868 Salary $100 per month. Assigned to duty as Insp. of the 2d S. Dist. by S.O. 32, Par. 2. H.Q. A.C, Va., April. 2. 1868. His Hd Qrs at Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co., Va. - | | | Haskell, F.W.| Agent | | | | {Appointed an Agt. Apr. 1. 1868. Salary $100 p.m. Assigned to duty as A.S.A.C. in chge of the 5, Div. 6, S.D. with H.Q. at Heathsville by, S.O. 33, Par. 7, H.Q.A.C. Va, dated April 3. 1868. - | | | McLaughlin, P.H. | Agent | | | | {Assigned as Agt. April 5. 1868. Sal. $100. p. month Assigned to duty as A.S.A.C, in chge of the 2, Div. 2, S. Dist, with H. Qrs. at | | | Leahey. Thos. | Agent | | | | {Appointed an Agt. April 5. 1868. Sal. $100 p. month. Assigned to duty as A.S.A.C, in chge of the 2, Div. 2, S. Dist, with H. Qrs. at Wanesly. St. by S.O. 34 Par 1, H.Q.A.C. Va., dated April 4. 1868. -| | | Black, Geo. W. | Agent | | | | {Appointed an Agent. April 16. 1868. Sal. $100 p.m. Assigned to duty as Insp. of the 1. S.D. with H. Qrs. at Norfolk, Va. by, S.O. 40, Par. 2 H.Q. A.C. Va., dat. April 14. 1868. - | | | Townsend, E. G. | Agent | | | | |{Appointed an Agent April 16. 1868 - Sal. $100 p. m. Assigned to duty, as A.S.A.C. in chge of the 5, Div. 5. S. Dist, with H. Qrs. at New Kent Va. by S.O. 51, Par 2, H. Qrs. A. Comr, Va dated May 4. 1868. | | Givens, John. V. | Agent | | | | | {Appointed an Agent May 30. 1868, - Salary $125 per month. - Unassigned. - |
Transcription Notes:
^Indicates uncomplete/unfilled portions of April and May sections specifically.
| Separate each cell / column
maybe add a row and column names //not sure how to do so
also double check the tiny writing under March because I couldn't understand it.
Reopened for Editing 2024-06-12 11:50:26 please review the SI instructions for tables. I fixed the first two entries.
6/12 completed rest
Reopened for Editing 2024-06-14 08:29:52