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Roster of Officers and Civilians on duty in the Bur. of R.F. & A. L., 

[[5 columned table]]
| Name | Rank | Regt | Duty | Order - Date | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
|   |   |   | 10th | Sub- |
| Lee, S.P. | Capt. & Bvt. Lt. Col. | 45th U.S.I. | S.A.C. | {March 21, 1867. Oct. 11, 1867. | 
| Chase, W.S. | 2nd Lieut. | V.R.C. | A.S.A.C. | Aug. 14, 1867. | 
| Smith, S.B. √ | 1st Lt. & Bvt. Capt | V.R.C. | A.S.A.C. | Sept. 21, 1866. | 
| Gates, E.B. √ | Captain | V.R.C. | A.S.A.C. | Aug. 3, 1867. | 
| Andrew, A.K.W. | Civilian |   | A.A. Surg. | Aug. 1, 1866. | 
|   |   |   | 11th | Sub- |
| Jordan, Jno. W. | Capt. & Bvt. Lt. Col. | V.R.C. | S.A.C. | {Nov. 7th 1867. Nov. 7th 1867. | 
| Whitten, Newton | 1st Lieut. | V.R.C. | A.S.A.C. | Dec. 30, 1867. | 
| Scott, David P. | 2nd Lieut. | 11th U.S.I. | A.S.A.C. | Nov. 25, 1867. |