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Report of changes in Officers and Civilians doing duty in Bur. R.F. & A.L, Dist. Va., during the month ending April 30, 1868. (Continued). 

[[9 columned table]]
| Name | Title | Regt | Duty | Order assigning such duty Date | Order assigning such duty No &c. or by whom. | Station Place | Station County | Remarks. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

|   |   |   | 7th | Sub. Dist., | R.S. Lacey, S.A. Comr |   |   |   | 
| Shaum, B.F. | Officer | - | A.S.A.C. | April 10, 1866. | S.O. 1, Par. 1, Supt. 7. Dist. Va., | Liberty | {Bedford Botetourt | {Relieved from duty in this Bur. by S.O. 33, Par. 1, H.Q, A.C, Va., dated April 3, 1868. - Appointm. revoked Mch. 31, 1868. Reason: having resigned. | 
| Wilcox, J.F. | Officer | - | A.S.A.C. | April 3, 1868. | S.O. 35, Par. 3, H.Q, A.C, Va., | Liberty | {Bedford Botetourt | Assigned to duty - transferred from the 6. S. Dist. | 
|   |   |   | 10th | Sub. Dist, Bvt. Lieut | Col. S.P. Lee, S.A. | Comr |   |   | 
| Field, Edward | 1. Lieut. & Bvt. Capt | 4. U.S. Art'y | On duty at H.Q. 10. S.D. | April 10, 1868. | Alexandria | Alexandria √ | Assigned to duty at Hd Qrs S.A.C. 10. S. Dist. |  
| Chase, W.S. √ | Officer | - | A.S.A.C. | {Aug. 14, 1867. | S.O. 92, Par. 1. H.Q, A.C, Va., | Falls Church | {Fairfax | {Hd Qrs of the 2. Div. 10. S.D. changed from Falls Church, Va., to Mannassas, Va., by S.O. 46, Par. 1, H.Q, A.C, Va., dated April 25, 1868. | 
|   |   |   |   | {Febr'y 21, 1868. | S.O. 20, Par. 1, H.Q, A.C, Va., |   | {Prince Wm | { | 
| Havens, Morton √ | Officer | - | A.S.A.C. | Jan'y 3, 1868. | S.O. 1, Par. 2, H.Q, A.C, Va., | Warrenton | Fauquier | {Relieved from duty in this Bur. by S.O. 49, Par. 1, H.Q, A.C, Va., dated April 30, 1868. - Appointment revoked to date Apl. 30/68 - Reason: Having resigned. | 
| Smith, S.B. √ | Officer | - | A.S.A.C. | {Sept. 21, 1866. | S.O. 142, Par. 2, H.Q, A.C, D. Pot | Leesburg | {Loudoun | {Fauquier Co (4. Div. 10. S.D.) added to the 3. Div. 10. S.D. by Cir. 7, H.Q, A.C, Va., dated April 30/68. - and the Hd Qrs of the 3rd Div. 10. S.D. changed from Leesburg, Va., to Warrenton, Va., by S.O. 49, Par. 2, H.Q, A.C, Va., dated April 30, 1868. | 
|   |   |   |   | {April 30, 1868. | Circular 7, H.Q. A.C. Va., |   | {Fauquier | { | 
|   |   |   | 11th | Sub. Dist. | Thos. P. Jackson, S.A. | Comr |   |   | 
| Leahey, Thos. | Civilian | - | A.S.A.C. | April 8, 1868. | S.O. 36, Par. 1, H.Q, A.C, Va., | Marysville | {Pr. Edward | {Appointed an Agent April 7, 1868. Salary $100 per month. Hd Qrs of the 1. Div. 11. S. Dist. changed from Marysville, Va., to Farmville, Va., by S.O. 37, Par. 1, H.Q, A.C, Va., dated April 9, 1868. - | 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | {Charlotte| { |   

Richmond, Va. 
May 12th 1868. 

O. Brown 
Bvt. Brig. Genl Vols. 
Asst Comr