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Report of changes in Officers and Civilians, doing duty in the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, District of Virginia, during the month entering May 31st 1868. Report of changes in Officers and Civilians doing duty in Bur. R.F. & A.L, Dist. Va., during the month ending April 30, 1868. (Continued). [[9 columned table]] | Name | Title | Regt. | Duty | Order assigning such duty Date | Order assigning such duty No &c, or by whom. | Station Place | Station County | Remarks. | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | 2nd | Sub. Dist - | J.R. Stone, S.A. | Comr | | | | Stowell, W.H.H. | Civilian | - | A.S.A.C. | S.O. 30, Par. 4, H.Q, A.C, Va. | Lewistown | Lunenburg | {Relieved as A.S.A.C, of the 6. Div. 2. S. Dist, by S.O. 59, Par. 2, H.Q, A.C, Va. dated May 25, 1868, and assigned to duty in the 11. S.D. Va. √ | | Nutt, William | Civilian | - | A.S.A.C. | S.O. 59, Par. 3, H.Q, A.C, Va. | Lunenburg C.H. | Lunenburg | {Assigned to duty - transferred from the 11. S.D. Va √ | | | | | 5th | Sub. Dist - | S.C. Armstrong, S.A. | Comr | | | | Sloan, W.H. √ | 2. Lieut. | 11. U.S. Infty. | A.S.A.C. | Nov. 25, 1867. | S.O. 123, Par. 9, H.Q, A.C, Va | New Kent C.H. | {New Kent Charles City | {Relieved from duty in Bureau by S.O., 51, Par. 1, H.Q. A.C. Va, dated May 4, 1868. | | Townsend, E.G. √ | Civilian | - | A.S.A.C. | May 4, 1868 | S.O. 51, Par. 2, H.Q, A.C. Va. | New Kent C.H. | {New Kent √ Charles City | {Appointed an Agent, April 16, 1868. Salary $100 per month. | | Sherwood, Geo. P. √ | 1. Lieut. | 42. U.S. Infty. | A.S.A.C. | Febr'y 21, 1867. | S.O. 24, Par. 3, H.Q. A.C. D. Pot. | Eastville | {Accomac √ Northampton | {Relieved from duty in this Bur. by S.O. 53, Par. 2, H.Q. A.C. Va. dated May 12, 1868. | | Reed, M.S. √ | Officer | - | A.S.A.C. | May 12, 1868. | S.O. 53, Par. 3, H.Q. A.C. Va. | Eastville | {Accomac Northampton | {Assigned to duty, transferred from the 1. & 2. Divs, 5. S. Dist. | | Reed, M.S. √ | Officer | - | A.S.A.C. | {Febr'y 10, 1866. Oct. 3, 1867. | S.O. 11, Supt. 9. now 5. S. Dist. S.O. 105, Par. 2, H.Q. A.C. Va. | Fort Monroe | {Eliz. City √ Warwick | {Relieved from chge. of the 1. & 2. Divs 5. S.D, by S.O. 53, Par. 3, H.Q. A.C. Va and assigned to the chge. of the 7. Div. 5. S. Dist | | Armstrong, S.C. √ | Civilian | - | S.A.C. | {March 3, 1866. May 12, 1868. | S.O. 41, Par. 2, H.Q. A.C. D. Va. | Fort Monroe | Eliz. City {Eliz. City Warwick | {Assigned to duty in addition to his duties as S.A. Comr. | | Massey, F.J. √ | Officer | - | A.S.A.C. | Jan'y 16, 1866. Nov. 7, 1867. | S.O. 1, Supt. 9, now 5, Dist. Va S.O. 118, Par. 8, H.Q. A.C. Va | Yorktown | {York James City √ | {Appointment revoked to date May 31, 1868. - Reason: having resigned. | | | | | 7th | Sub. Dist. | R.S. Lacey, S.A. | Comr | | | | Wilson, J.F. | Officer | - | A.S.A.C. | Jan'y 15, 1868. | S.O. 8, Par. 5, H.Q. A.C. Va. | Lynchburg | {Campbell Appomattox Amherst Nelson | {The Cos of Amherst & Nelson detailed form the 1. Div. 7. S. Dist; and designated as the 7. Div. 7. S. Dist, by Cir. 9, H.Q. A.C, Va. dated May 21, 1868. | | Nesmith, L.A. | 2. Lieut. | 12. U.S. Infty. | A.S.A.C. | May 21, 1868. | S.O. 57, Par. 2, H.Q, A.C, Va. | Amherst C.H. | {Amherst √ Nelson √ | {Assigned to duty. | over.