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Reports of changes in Officers and Civilians doing duty in Bur. R. F. & A. L, Dist. of Va during the month ending Aug. 31. 1868. (Continues)

[[9 Columned Table]]
| Name | Title | Regt. | Duty | Order assigning such duty. Date. | Order assigning such duty. No. &c. or by whom | Station. Place | Station. County | Remarks. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
5th Sub. Dist. S. C. | Armstrong, S.A.C, (Continued).
| Ayers, H. K. W. | Officer | A.S.A.C. | A.S.A.C. | Aug. 6. 1868. | S.O. 95, Jan. 2, H.Q, A.C, Va | Yorktown | York. James City | Assigned to duty - transferred from the 2. S Dist. - Relieved from the change of the 3. Div. 5. S. Dist, and assigned to the duty of the 2nd., 5. S. D. by S.O. 105, Jan 4, H. Q, A.C, Va, date, Aug. 29, 68. |
| Ayres, H. K. W. | Officer |   | A.S.A.C. | Aug. 29, 1868. | S.O. 105, Par. 4, H.Q. A.C. Va. | Yorktown | York  James City  Warwick | Assigned to duty. | 

8th. Sub. Dist. W. P. Austin, S.A. Comr.
| Austin, W. P. | Officer |   | S.A.C. | Febr'y 21, 1867. jan'y 17, 1868. | S.O. 24, Par. 1, H.Q. A.C. D. of Pot.  S.O. 10, Par. 4, H.Q. A.C. Va. | Wytheville | Wythe Wythe Grayson Carroll Smyth Bland Tazewell | Relieved from duty inn the 8. S. Dist. by S.O. 102, Par. 2, H.Q. A.C. Va. dated Aug. 15, 1868. and assigned to duty in the 2. S. Dist. |
| Thomas, H. G. | Bvt. Brig. Genl. & Capt. | 20. U.S. Infty. | S.A. Com'r. | Aug. 15, 1868. | S.O. 102, Par. 3, H.Q. A.C. Va. | Wytheville | Wythe Wythe Grayson Carroll Smyth Bland Tazewell | Assigned to duty. |

9th. Sub. Dist. J. A. Mc.Donnell, S.A. Comr
| Lynch, Wm. F. | Bvt. Lt. Col. & Capt. | 42. US. Infty. | A.S.A.C. | July 9, 1868. | S.O. 82, Par. 2, H.Q. A.C. Va | Woodstock | Shenandoah Rockingham | Relieved from duty in Bur. by S.O. 99, Par. 2, H.Q. A.C. Va. dat. Aug. 11, 1868. | 
| Mc.Donnell, J. A. | Officer | - | S.A.C. | Nov. 10, 1866.  Oct. 10, 1867.  Aug. 11, 1868. | S.O. 169, Par. 4, H.Q. A.C. D. of Pot.  S.O. 107, Par. 2, H.Q. A.C. Va.  S.O. 99, Par. 3, H.Q. A.C. Va. | Winchester | Frederick Frederick Shenandoah Rockingham | Assigned in addition to his duties to the Tempor. chrge. of the 3. Div. 9. S Dist.  Relieved from the temporary chge of the 3. Div. 9. S.D. by S.O. 101, Par. 1, H.Q. A.C. Va., dat. Aug. 14/68. | 
| James, Watkins | Civilian |   | A.S.A.C. | Aug. 14, 1868. | S.O. 101, Par. 3, H.Q. A.C. Va. | Woodstock | Shenandoah Rockingham | Appointed as Agent Aug. 16, 1868. Salary $100 per month. |

| Givens, John. V. | Civilian |   | Agent |   |   |   |   | Appointment revoked to date Aug. 1, 1868. | 
Richmond, Va.
September 7, 1868.

O. Brown
Asst Comr. 

Transcription Notes:
6/22 - fully transcribed - pls review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-22 20:21:23 Removed dashes from blank cells per SI instruction to use three blank spaces between to vertical lines for blank cells. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-23 10:36:12