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Reports of changes in Officers & Civilians doing duty in Bur. R.F. & A.L. Dist. of Va. during the month ending Dec. 31. 1868 (continued)

[[9 columned table]]
| Name | Title | Regt. | Duty | Order assigning such duty Date | Order assigning such duty No. &c or by whom | Station Place | Station County | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 3rd Sub District |
| Hambrick, P.R. | 1.Lt. & Bvt. Maj | 45 U.S.I. | S.A.C. | Sept. 28. 1867. | S.O. 104. Par. 5, H.Q.A.C. Va. | Richmond | Henrico | { Reld. from duty as S.A.C. by S.O. 165, Par. 2, H.Q.A.C. Va., dat. Dec. 30.1868 - & assd. to the chge of the 3 S. Dist., with H.Q. at Richmond, Va., by S.O. 165, Par. 3, H.Q.A.C. Va., dat. Dec. 30. 1868. (See Cir. 33. H.Q.A.C. Va. dat. Dec.30.1868) |
| Cook, B.C. | Officer |   | A.S.A.C. | { Apl. 2. 1866 | S.O. 7, Supt. 3. Dist. Va. | Richmond | { Henrico | } Appointments revoked to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time. |
|   |   |   | A.S.A.C. | { Aug. 3. 1868 | S.O. 93, Par. 2. H.Q.A.C. Va. |   | { Charles City | } Appointments revoked to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time. |
| Ayer, Ira, Jr. | Officer |   | A.S.A.C. | July 7. 1866 | S.O. 11, Par. 1. Supt. 3. Dist. Va. | Ashland | Hanover | } Appointments revoked to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time. |
| Goodyear, C.P. | Civilian |   | A.S.A.C. | { July 26 1867 | S.O. 34, Par. 2, H.Q.A.C. Va. | West Point Church | { King Wm. | } Appointments revoked to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time. |
|   |   |   |   | { Aug. 3. 1868 | S.O. 93, Par. 3, H.Q.A.C. Va. |   | { New Kent | } Appointments revoked to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time. |
| Maddox, Saml. F. | Civilian |   | A.S.A.C. | { July 24 1868 | S.O. 87, Par. 3, H.Q.A.C. Va. | Manchester | { Chesterfield | } Appointments revoked to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time. |
|   |   |   |   | { Sept. 9. 1868 | S.O. 111, Par. 3, H.Q.A.C. Va. |   | { Powhatan | } Appointments revoked to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time. |
| Brower, D.R. | Civilian |   | A.A. Surg. | Dec. 10. 1865 | S.O. _ Surg. De Lamater | Richmond | Henrico | } Returned. |
| Smith, E.H. | Civilian |   | A.A. Surg | July 31. 1868 | S.O. 15, Par. 1, Off. Surg. in Chf. | Richmond | Henrico | | Contract annulled to date Dec. 31. 1868 in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bureau.
| 4th Sub. District |
| Morse, W.R. | Officer |   | S.A.C. | June 15. 1866 | S.O. 96, Par. 5, A.C, Dept. Va. | Gordonsville | Orange | { Reld. from duty as S.A.C. by S.O. 165, Par. 2, H.Q.A.C. Va., dat. Dec. 31/68 & assd. to duty as Asst. Supt. of Schools, in chge of the 4.S.D. with H.Q. at Gordonsville, Va., by S.O. 165, Par 5, H.Q.A.C. Va., dat. Dec. 30/68. (See Cir. 33, H.Q.A.C., Va., date Dec. 30/68) |
| Hopkins, M.S. | Officer |   | A.S.A.C. | Jan'y 22. 1867. | S.O. 11, Par. 1, H.Q.A.C, D. Pot | Gordonsville | { Orange | } Appointment revoked, to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time |
|   |   |   |   | Febr'y 24. 1868. | S.O. 22, Par. 2, H.Q.A.C, Va. |   | { Louisa Albemarle | } Appointment revoked, to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time |
| Morse, E.C. | Civilian |   | A.S.A.C. | Jan'y 15. 1868. | S.O. 8, Par. 2, H.Q.A.C, Va. | Goochland C.H. | { Goochland Fluvanna | } Appointment revoked, to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time |
| Crea, Wm. | Civilian |   | A.S.A.C. | Febr'y 6. 1868. | S.O. 16, Par. 3, H.Q.A.C, Va. | Madison C.H. | { Madison Green | } Appointment revoked, to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time |
| McNulty, W. A. | Officer |   | A.S.A.C. | July 25. 1866. | S.O. 25, Supt. 4. Dist. Va | Culpeper CH | { Culpeper | } Appointment revoked, to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time |
|   |   |   |   | Jan'y 22. 1867. | S.O. 11, Par. 3 H.Q.A.C. D. Pot. |   | { Rappahannock | } Appointment revoked, to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time |
| 5th Sub. District |
| Armstrong, S.C. √ | Civilian |   | S.A.C. | March 3. 1866 | S.O. 41, Par. 2, H.Q.A.C., D. Va. | Hampton | { Eliz. City | Reld. from duty as S.A.C., by S.O. 165, Par. 2, H.Q.A.C, Va, dat. Dec. 30/68 - & assd. to duty as Asst. Supt. of Schools in chge. of the 1 S.D. with H.Q. at Hampton, Va., by S.O. 165, Par. 5, H.Q.A.C. Va, dat. Dec. 30/68 (Section 33, H.Q.A.C. Va, dat. Dec. 30/68) |
|   |   |   |   | { May 12. 1868 | S.O. 53, Par. 4, H.Q.A.C, Va. |   | { Eliz. City |  Reld. from duty as S.A.C., by S.O. 165, Par. 2, H.Q.A.C, Va, dat. Dec. 30/68 - & assd. to duty as Asst. Supt. of Schools in chge. of the 1 S.D. with H.Q. at Hampton, Va., by S.O. 165, Par. 5, H.Q.A.C. Va, dat. Dec. 30/68 (Section 33, H.Q.A.C. Va, dat. Dec. 30/68) |
| Ayres, H.J.W √ | Officer |   | A.S.A.C. | Aug. 29. 1868. | S.O. 105, Par. 4 H.Q.A.C. Va. | Yorktown | { York James City Warwick | } Appointment revoked, to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time |
| Rice, Thos. J. √ | Civilian |   | A.S.A.C | Jan'y 23. 1868 | S.O. 12, Par. 2 H.Q.A.C. Va. | Matthews C.H. | { Matthews Gloucester | } Appointment revoked, to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time |
| White, V.B. √ | Civilian |   | A.S.A.C. | Aug. 4. 1868 | S.O. 94, Par. 3, H.Q.A.C, Va. | Johnstown | { Accomac Northampton | } Appointment revoked, to date Dec. 31. 1868. by direction of the Sec. of War, in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bur. at that time |
| Kenney, S.B. | Civilian |   | A.A. Surg. | July 30. 1868 | S.O. 14, Par. 2, Off. Surg. in Chf. | Yorktown | York | } Contracts annulled to date Dec. 31. 1868 in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bureau |
| Harris, J.D. | Civilian |   | A.A. Surg. | Oct. 26. 1867 | S.O. 21, Par. 8, Off. Surg. in Chf. | Hampton | Eliz. City | } Contracts annulled to date Dec. 31. 1868 in consequence of the discontinuance of the Bureau |

Transcription Notes:
6.12.2024 - Reld. = Released; Assd. = Assigned 6.11.2024 - Multiple rows have duplicate remarks as indicated by a large } spanning multiple rows, so treating them as if they have ditto marks and including the remarks in each row