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promised me to do. And I am pleased to state that they have  faithfully kept their promise. While I shall not be able to fulfill mine. It was to have been hoped that the order of the Maj Genl Com'd'g 4th Miss District, directing that the claims against the present crop be paid in the order of their priority — to wit — Advances for provisions, Rent, labor &c. While it deprived the freedmen of all hope of ever receiving one dollar would at least have proven satisfactory to Mr Dobbins — particularly as he holds the rent note for Eight thousand ($8000 00/) Dollars — which he purchased for thirty Five Hundred. ($3500 00/)
Geo. S. Smith
Capt V.R.C. Bt Maj Sub Asst Com.

Barber M.
Lieut. & AAAG 

Endorsement on Communication of W. D. Longstreet dated Dec 26' 68. stating that Major Smith has interfered with his affairs without authority &c &c — referred by the As'st Com'r for report

Office Bureau R F & A L
Sub-District of Macon
Macon Miss Jany 16th 68.

Respectfully returned to Lieut Merritt Barber A.A.A. Genl with the information that my every act in this matter was strictly in accordance with the orders of the Assistant Commissioner in the premises, a proper record being had for the action of the Major Genl Com'd'g 4th Mil District, approving the assignment of the crop to Mr. Longstreet, on presentation of those papers. Every reasonable effort was made to ascertain the amount due the freedmen, which so soon as obtained was furnished Mr. Longstreet. The amount, allowing all claims, is $4253.32, which Mr Longstreet never did, does not now, propose having. From a sense of duty to myself I respectfully request that the whole matter be turned over to the Asst. Insp'g Genl for settlement.
Geo. S. Smith
In charge

Sunderland J. W.
Lieut. & A A Q M &c

Endorsement on communication, Lieut Sunderland referring communication from C.L.C. Cass, Agt Bu R.F. & A.L. in charge of Sub Dist of Ocklibaha [[Oktibbeha]] referring to Postage Act.

Office Bu R.F. & A.L.
Sub Dist of Macon
Macon Miss Apr 14th 68.

Respectfully returned to Lieut. J. W. Sunderland 24th U.S.I. D.B.O. & A.A.Q.M. with remark that I know of Mr Cass. purchasing liberally of postage stamps during the month of January, but the idea he would seem to convey that during this time I ceased to perform the duties of Sub Asst Comr. is wrong. Tis true that in the absence of any positive information of my approval as Civilian Agent, I measurably recognized him as in charge of the Office to the extent of confering with him [[strikethrough]] in [[?]][[/strikethrough]] all matters of interest pertaining thereto.
Geo. S. Smith
Sub As's't Com'r

Greene S. C.
Maj & A A A G

Endorsement on Communication from G.A.J. Chappell — referred by Asst Comr for remarks — stating that Geo. S. Smith Sub As's't Com'r, Macon Miss participated in the nomination and election of candidates at the recent election.

Office Bureau R F & A L
Macon Miss Augt 6th 1868

Respectfully returned to Maj. S. Greene A A A G. with remark that this man Chappell bears a notoriously bad character, and does not posess the confidence or respect of any honest intelligent individual, as his friend Mr Mygalt very well knows. There are indictments pending against him, one in the Pickens Co Ala Courts, for robbery, and he stands charged by this Bureau with falsely swearing to an account rendered as teacher of a freedmens School.
I am free to admit that when counselled with, by freedmen, in the

Transcription Notes:
bottom left page--I believe that's Assistant Inspector General, but I can't entirely decipher the abbreviation he uses for Inspector. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-29 17:17:07 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-30 10:42:05