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NARA 501

Aberdeen August 8, 1867
Major Geo S. Smith
Bvt Major & Sub Asst Commissioner
Columbus Miss


"I today received from Prairie Station One Cask Bacon and seventeen (17) sacks of Corn. The corn is in that condition that it is not fit for man or beast, it might do to give to hogs or Cattle, but would not in my estimation do to make bread. I think that it should in some way be condemned but as there is no post or troops here I do not know how to proceed. Please advise me. If I recollect aright Mr Ross shipped this lot. If I am right as to Mr Ross shipping it and as I suppose he is in the same office with you, please consult with him or ask him to write me.

Hoping all may yet turn out or proove satisfactory

I Remain Your
Obdient Servt
sd. B.B. Barker"

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-28 11:33:41 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-28 13:09:45 COLUMBUS Mar. 1866–Mar. 1867 Subcommissioner George S. Smith