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NARA 503

Starkville Miss July 12th 1867

Wm H Ross
Agt Bu RF and AL
Columbus Miss.

Dear Sir yours of the 2nd is at hand. with receipts for corn and bacon for the destitute of this County. the corn has come to hand but the bacon has not. I have defered sending the receipts to you weighting for the bacon to come to hand if it has been shipped have the Kindness to see the Depot Agent and cause him to send it foward.

The Last Shipment shall be keep seperate from that sent by Major Smith there shall be no difficulty on my part, in the matter.

If you wish I will send foward receipt for the corn, at once. If you have any Printed Application and recepts, on hand please send me some.

With much respect, I remain your
Obd Servant,
T.W. Puller
President Board Police
Oktibbeha County

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-28 10:54:03