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NARA 585

Bu. R.F. and A. L.
Office Sub Dist Williamsburg
Williamsburg Miss Oct 6th 1867 

C.L.C. Cass
Agent Bu. R.F. and A. L. 
Sub Dist of Macon

I would most respectfully ask that you send me at your earliest convenience a transcrip of complaints made and the action taken in each case from the book I gave you. I must have it in order to make out my report for the month of August, if you could spare the book send it to me and I will return it as soon as I can make the report. 

Verry Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Wm. H. Ross
Agent Sub Dist of Wmsburg

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-28 17:10:59