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Monthly Report.

Name of the School, Newbern
Name of Town or District, Newbern County of Pulaski
Post Office address of the Teachers, Newbern Pulaski Co. Virginia
Date of commencement for the present school year, 1st. Mo 4th
State when the present school-year will close,
Its present Teachers, Susan C Martin Joseph Draper
Commissioned by what Society, Phila. Friend's Freedmen Association

Report for [[strikethrough]] the month of [[/strikethrough]] 6. Mo., 1869.

☞ A School under the distinct control of one Teacher, or a Teacher with one assistant is to be reported as one school.

[[4 columned table]]
| DAY SCHOOLS. | NO. | NIGHT SCHOOLS. [Report the night-schools as fully as the day-schools.] | NO. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| No. of Days, | 21 |   |   |
| Have you had Bureau transportation this month? | No |   |   |
| Do the Freedmen own the school building? | Yes |   |   |
| No. of different pupils, | 80 |   |   |
| Whole No. of Males | 42 |   |   |
| Whole No. of Females | 38 |   |   |
| No. of pupils enrolled last report, | 73 |   |   |
| No. left school this month, | 0 |   |   |
| No. of New scholars this month, | 7 |   |   |
| Average attendance for the month, | 48 |   |   |
| No. pupils paying tuition, | 70 |   |   |
| No. White pupils, | 0 |   |   |
| No. always present, | 40 |   |   |
| No. always punctual, | 45 |   |   |
| No. over 16 years of age | 18 |   |   |
| No. in the Alphabet, | 4 |   |   |
| No. who spell and read easy lessons, | 20 |   |   |
| No. of advanced readers, | 10 |   |   |
| No. who study Geography, | 64 |   |   |
| No. who study Arithmetic, | 64 |   |   |
| No. in higher branches, | 10 |   |   |
| No. in writing, | 76 |   |   |
| No. in needle-wook, | 0 |   |   |
| No. free before the war, | 0 |   |   |

No. of Sabbath Schools for colored people in your town or vicinity,
No. of White Teachers in such Sabbath Schools,
No. of Colored Teachers in such Sabbath Schools,
No. of Pupils in such Sabbath Schools,
.How much has been received from Freedmen this month for tuition. $
Give the whole amount contributed by Freedmen toward your support, (including Board,) $ .

Susan C. Martin, Teacher.

Each teacher will make out this report in full, sign and return the same to Dr. H. C. VOGELL. Raleigh, State Superintendent of Education punctually, on or before the 20th of each month. Give approximate returns if exact ones cannot be obtained. This report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number or cypher.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-05 10:27:47