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Rev. M. E. STRIEBY, } Secretaries. 

Rev. E. P. SMITH, Gen'l Field Agt
Wm. E. WHITING, Asst. Treas'r

American Missionary Association, 

School Report for the Month of September 1869
By James A. Fields Teacher.

Location of the School, Hampton, Va 
Name, Butler 
Of what Grade? Intermediate 
No. of Male Pupils? 14 Female? 21 
Whole number of Pupils? 35 
No. who have left School? 2  
No. new Pupils? 2 
Average Attendance? 30 
No. always Present? 20 
No. always Punctual? 7 
No. who pay Tuition? All 
No. of White Pupils? 
No. over Sixteen years? 4 [[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]]
No. in Primary Studies?* 10
No. in Intermediate? 5
No. in Advanced? 20
No. learning to Write? 25
No. in Normal Class?
No. free before the War? 1
No. of Pupils in Night School?
Where kept?
In what Sabbath School do you teach? Union Baptist
No. in the Sabbath School? 60

How many Children and Adults, beginning with the Alphabet, have you taught to read during
the School Year thus far? five (5)
How can we add to your comfort and the success of your work?

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-07 18:33:37