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[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aug 10" 1867 | Harlley John W Prest. of Registrars to Bt. Maj. Genl A Baird Vicksburg Miss | E.B. P. 2 Liberty Amite Co. Miss July 27" 1867  States that a freedman named Nathan Jenkins Contracted with a planter Wm Jenkins to work on his place for one half of the crop = upon settling in the Fall the planter Mr. Wm Jenkins informed the Freedman that there was nothing due him and turned him off. At the same time he had the product of 20 bales cotton which the Freedman helped to raise.  Has proof of above Statement and suggests that some officer on Board of Registrars be authorized to investigate the matter, and the Freedman insured justice. |
| Aug. 13" 1867 | Connyngham J.F. Lieut. Actg. Asst. Inspr. General to Bt. Maj. A.W. Preston A.A.A.G. Vicksburg Miss. | E.B. P. 2. Vicksburg Miss. August 6" 1867  Forwards papers in the case of E. Williams and Chas. Wilson.  The latter having been in the Federal Army. Was seen in the company of Williams who was arrested for having in his possession a mule which was stolen in the neighborhood of Magnolia. Wilson was arrested as an accomplice and his Father-in-law desires an investigation as he was not allowed time to procure witnesses in the case. |
| Aug. 14"/67 | Long A.K. Agt B.R.F & A.L. Sub Dist of Brookhaven | Filed. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Office S.A.C. Brookhaven Miss. Aug 13"/67  Turns over the case of Charles Saunders, with all papers belonging thereto for investigation. |


[[2 column table]]
| Endorsements | Mem. |
| --- | --- |
| Hd. Qrs. 4" Mil. Dist. Office of Civil Affairs  Vicksburg Miss.  Aug. 2" 1867   Respectfully referred to Bt. Maj. Genl. A. C. Gillem Comd'g Sub. Dist. Miss. and Asst. Comm. Bu. R.F. & A.L for the State   By Command of Bt. Maj. Genl. E.O.C. Ord   (Sgd.) A. Baird Bt. Maj. Genl. A.I.G. U.S.A. | L.B. P. 1 |
| Bureau Refuges, Freedman &c. Office A.C. for Miss.  Vicksburg, Miss. Aug. 5th 1867   Respectfully referred to Sub. Asst. Comm. Sub Dist. of Brook Haven for investigation and report.   By order of Bt. Maj. Genl. A.C. Gillem Asst. Commissioner  (Sgd.) A. W. Preston Capt. V.R.C. Bt. Maj. A.A.A.G. | L.B. P. 1 |
| Bureau R.F & A.L. Office Sub Asst. Comr. Brook Haven Miss. Aug. 7" 1867   Respectfully refferred to Agent B.R.F. & A.L. at Magnolia Miss for investigation   (Sgd.) A.K. Long Agent. B.R.F. &c. Sub. D. of B. H. | L.B. P. 1 |
| Bureau R.F. & A.L. Office Asst. Comr. for Miss.  Vicksburg Miss. Aug. 7" 1867   Respectfully refferred to Liuet. Y. A. Woodward Sub. Asst. Comr. Magnolia Miss. for investigation and report.   By order of Bt. Maj. Genl. A.C. Gillem Asst. Commissioner   (Sgd.) J. F. Connyngham 1st Lieut. 24" U.S. Infy. A.A.I. Genl. | L.B. P. 1 |

Transcription Notes:
Please transcribe this as a 5 columned table. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-07 17:16:41 Reopening for transcription-this is not proper table format. Please follow TC instructions on how to properly transcribe tables for Freedmen's Bureau papers. ---------- It doesn't seem to me like these are 5 column tables in this book, but rather a 3 column table on the left page and a 2 column table on the right page. As you move through the book, the information on the right pages does not correspond to the information on the left pages in content or number of rows. I think the agent is using the left page to record "Letters Received" or "Letter Book" and the right page is his "Endorsement Book" and he will use notations like "L.B. P.1" (i.e. page 1 of Letter Book) or "E.B. P. 26" (i.e. page 26 of Endorsement Book) to tie the letters to the endorsements. agreed - cannot be 5 column table ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-08 11:11:53 Agree that is a 3 column on left page and 2 on right