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[[3 columned table]]
| When Rec'd | Name and Rank of Writer | Date and purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- | 
| Aug 25 1867 | Lavisson, A. Citizen | Magnolia Miss Aug 14 1867  States that he forwarded to the Gen'l Comd'g, in March or April two communications in reference to Erastus Evans being a squatter on his land without legal right or authority and that he appealed to the Gen'l Comd'g upon the grounds that he cannot get justice in the Civil Courts, The matter was refered to Comdg Officer at Brookhaven who reports signed by Lt. Col. W.H. Eldrige that Evans was a tresspasser and hold no legal right to the property, and recommended that he resort to civil tribunal for redress, and in compliance with which proceedings were commenced, and after protracted litigation &c, came to no result. The nature of the case demands a speedy relief, and having no confidence in civil authorities, request that Capt Y.A. Woodward be authorized to investigate the matter. |
| Aug 27, 1867 | Pierce, L. H. Bt. Lieut. Col. U.S.V. D.O. | Filed  
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A.L. 
Office Disbursing Officer For the State of Mississippi. 
Vicksburg, Miss Aug 24/67. Forwards checks No 111 on Ass't Treasu'r U.S. New Orleans La. for $12.16/100; for acct of Mileage and requests an acknowledgement of receipt of the same |
[[2 columned table]]
| Endorsements | Mem |
| --- | --- |
| Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A.L. 
Office S.A. Comr. Sub. Dist. of Magnolia. Magnolia Miss Aug 25/67. 
Respectfully returned.  The statement made by Mr. Thornton is according to the evidence I have been enabled to procure correct. The man Chas. Wilson was convicted entirely upon the evidence of the man E. Williams, who is a man of exceedingly bad character - a notorious thief and liar - and entitled to no credit. The accompanying affidavits show that E. Williams was arrested with the mule in his possession. Yet C. Wilson is convicted as the thief, and from the evidence that I can get, it was done entirely through malice and prejudice, because Wilson was a Union Soldier. In consequence of said facts, Mr. Thornton the Father in law of Wilson appeal to the military authorities to remit the sentence (5 years in the penitentiary) of Wilson  and set him at liberty, he the said Wilson having been wrongfully convicted and having already suffered one (1) year confinement in the penitentiary.  
York A. Woodward 
Bt. Capt. U.S.V. S.A. Comr. |   |

| Hd. Qrs. 4th Mil District 
Office of Civil Affairs 
Vicksburg Miss Aug 20 1867. 
Respectfully refered to Bt. Maj. Gen'l A.C. Gillem Comd'g Sub. DIst. Miss. who will cause the investigation within requested to be made.  
By Com'd of Bt. Maj. Gen'l. E.O.C. Ord. 
(sgd) O.D. Green. 
Asst. Adjt Gen'l
(continued on Page 8) |   |

Transcription Notes:
In the first entry on this page, it appears that the author is using a symbol that resembles a "f" for the first of two consecutive "s's", such as in "Miss" and "tresspassing". As such, it is unclear if the name if lavisson or lavifson. ----------------- This document needs to be transcribed as a 5 column table. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-08 11:16:45 Similar to a prior review, believe this to be a 3 column table on left page and then separate 2 on right Yes this is 2 unconnected tables.