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| When Rec'd | Name and Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter | Endorsements | Mem |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Oct 20 1867 | Fourniquet E.P. Atty at Law | E.B.P. 26/E.B.P 32  Summit Miss. Sept. 27th 1867 Enclosed statement of Thomas Bates (freedman) to the effect that on January 5th 1867 he entered into an agreement with Noble Lea to rent and cultivate a piece of land, which agreement he said Lea allowed afterwards without consulting him (Bates) thus binding him to confine himself entirely to the cultivation of said land. That said Lea having obtained from the Bureau Agent at Magnolia a summons for him (Bates) did deliver the same that he (Bates) being unable to understand it did delay reporting, whereupon Lea, aided by others, took him from his home by force and drove him to the Bureau officers, where it was decided that said Bates could remain on the farm until his contract expired, but that the crop he had raised should be entirely donated to the purpose of paying the rent. In consideration of the fact that Lea verbally annulled the contract by adding to it as above stated, and of the other cause of complaint, prays that said Noble Lea is forced to allow a reasonable sum for land taken from him (Bates) (1 1/4 acres) and that an investigation be had and relief granted. Encloses affidavits &c and certifies as to character of E.P. Fourniquet (2 Enclosures) | Bureau R. F & A.L. Office S.A.C. Sub Dist of Magnolia Magnolia Miss Sept 13th 1867.  Respectfully returned to Lieut. J.F. Cunyngham A.A.A. Gen'l, Bureau R.F. & A.L. with the following report, In accordance with instructions contained in the letter of Bt. Lt. Col. W.H. Elsbridge S.A.C. of date May 13th 1867 from Brookhaven Miss. Mr. Lavison did apply to the civil authorities for possession of his property-but owing to some legal deficit in his title, he lost the suit. since that time he has obtained a new deed correct as to form of law in the state of Miss. and giving him a clear legal right to his proeprty, his objection for again going to Civil tribunal are that it will involve so much loss of time, that the property will be so far abused as to make it worthless-and he desires to come from the City to live on it at once. Mr. Evans the deft has no shadow of a claim to the property-and in my opinion is trying to keep Mr. Lavison out of the possession of his rightful property. Mr. Lavison therefore desires that Mr. Evans be ordered to restore to him the property and move from the place at once. Mr. Evans has no crop on the place at present to prevent his doing so, but if he is permitted to stay much longer he will have planted his fall crops. York A. Woodward. Bt. Capt. U.S.V. S.A. Comr. |   |

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-07 16:43:15