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Roseann (Freedwoman) vs. Joseph Cartin
Sept. 12th 1867

Complains that she worked for Mr. Cartin last year, and got no pay for it. Notice sent to Mr. C. to settle satisfactorily, or appear and ans. on Thursday Sept. 19th 1867.

John Morris (Freedman) vs. William Brown
Sept. 18th 1867

Complains that Mr. Brown has already taken his horse from him and says he intends to take the balance of his stock, including hogs, horses cows &c. and also his crop on hand to pay a debt contracted by him (freedman) with a Mr. Quin (Merchant [[?summit) for provisions, for which payment of said debt Mr. Brown stood good for, but the money is not due yet, and Mr B. is not giving him a showing to pay it out of his crop as he agreed to do, his crop is not gathered yet.  Mr. Brown summoned to appear Saturday Sept. 21st 1867. Deft. appeared in accordance with summons. Case [[strikethrough]][[?]] [[/strikethrough]] investigated and Mr. Brown ordered to restore the mare, and any other property belonging to Morris and wait till the termination of contract for settlement of debts. 


Mary Ann Elsy (Freedwoman) vs. Joseph O'Mara
Sept. 20th 1867

Complains that Mr. O'Mara has her children (four) bound over to him, by law, against her consent, and she wants her children as he (O'Mara) is treating them very badly. Also he forced her to consent, by making her sign a paper to that effect. Mr. O'Mara summoned to appear on Monday Sept. 30th 1867. Deft. app'd. in accordance with summons; Indentures perfectly legal, and letter from Mr. Packwood that M.A. Elsy gave her consent to have the children bound, and was also to get them off her hands. Treatment of children in accordance with law, and kind and good. Case dismissed.  

Amos Lane col'd vs. Michael Cook
Sept. 24th 1867

Papers in the case on file, postponed on acct. of Circuit Court. Parties summoned to appear for final settlement on [[strikethrough]] Monday [[/strikethrough]] Friday Sept. 27th 1867. Parties not able to appear Sept. 27th. Case postponed to Oct. 16th - the case is one referred to me by Lieut. E.C. Gilbreth; both parties present and case referred to three referees in accordance with Par. 3 G.O. No 31. O.A.C. of Aug. 20th 1867. Messrs E.M. Bee, [[strikethrough]] W.H. Roane [[/strikethrough]] A.H. Prewitt &c.  were the referees selected by the parties. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-08 19:53:53 I can not make out the question mark word ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-09 21:35:38 I think it might be a misspelling of "summoned"?