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[[preprinted]] 19 [[/preprinted]] 9 Jane Kemp (Col'd.) vs. Mrs Simms Dec. 12"/67 debt for washing - dismissed for further trial 10 Annie Johnson (C) vs Wm. Brown Dec. 12"/67 (ordered to send her husband here.) Sumd & ordered to make settlement. 11 Rosann Kitchens (C.) Mrs. E Humphries Dec. 12"/67 Wants her grandchild Mariah - letter sent to Ms H to bring child in Friday Dec. 20, 1867 12 Harry Claiborne (C) 2nd complaint Dec. 12"/67 dismissed. Continued 13 R. M. Newman (W) Vs. Phil. Smith (C.) Dec. 12"/67 Wants to have P. S. move out of his house. Ordered to move out. 14 Henry Harrison (C) VS John Jones Dec. 12"/67 Driven off on acct of joining U. Club. Sumd to appear on Thursday Dec. 19"/67 [[note]] Abs. [[/note]] 15 Robt Russ (c) vs. Mrs. Elizabeth Simms Dec 12"/67 Claims pay for work for her husband before he died. order sent to Mrs. S. to settle & save trouble. [[Preprinted]] 20 [[/preprinted]] 16 Steve Williams & others (C) Vs. Employers Dec. 12" 1867 [[?reft.]] Sir Messers Gibbs & Van Eaton. 17 Ann Kane (C) Dec 12" 1867 Wants her two children who are kept by her former husband - their father ordered to appear Thursday Dec 19 1867 18 Dallas Jorden (C) Vs Wm A. McNauley Dec. 13" 1867 Deffer in settlement left to Abs. [[note]] Closed [[/note]] 19 Robt Williams (c) Vs Gus Mackey Dec. 13" 1867 arrears of wages for 1866. Sumd to apr Wednesday Dec. 18" 1867. Sent to Ben in Settlement. 20 Henry Wilson (C) Vs Wm A Simvall Dec. 13" 1867 Can't get his crop from where raised - attdd Sumd to appear Monday Dec. 16" 1867. Left to Abrs - report to be sent. 21 Jim & Green Coat (C) Vs. Mrs. Swayze Dec 13" 1867 Wages - settled wrong - got no pay - only $30. for the year Sms ordered to settle satisfactorily case postponed Dec. 18. John Elzibrey party in the case
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Reopened for Editing 2024-06-09 21:38:12