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25 48 Charlotte Scott (C) Edmond McGehee Dec. 16" 1867 Claims pay for labor for 1866. Note sent to Mr. McG. left for [[?]] "Not contracted with him Hr Foth responsibly" [[note]] C [[/note]] 49 Melford Barnes (C) vs. Gibbs, Lindanburgs & Van Eaton Dec. 16" 1867 See Mr. Van Eaton. 50 Graham Stewart (C) vs. H.T. McGehee Dec. 16" 1867 wages claimed for 1" of year 1869 - Sumd. to appear. [[note]] Closed [[/note]] 51 Henry Miller (C) vs. Henry Reminger Dec. 16" 1867 [[note]] Closed [[/note]] 52 Victorio Johnson (C) Judge McGehee Dec. 16" 1867 claims pay for work done. [[note]] C [[/note]] 53 Hiram Young (C) vs. Henry Stockett Dec. 16" 1867 Civil - refd. [[note]] C [[/note]] 54 Robt. Hull (C) vs. Mr. Bonney Dec. 16" 1867 debt of $3.00 - note sent. [[note]] C [[/note]] 26 55 Morris Cushanberry (C) vs. Mr. Letterman Dec. 16"/67 Wants land & is opposed. [[note]] C [[/note]] 56 Simon Cabid (C) vs. Neal McCrain Dec. 17"/67 No settld, cotton shipped, Sumd to appear. [[note]] C [[/note]] 57 Ellen Woodside (C) vs. her Husband Dec. 17"/67 Civil Case (refd) - [[note]] C [[/note]] 58 Mahala Haine (C) vs. her Husband Dec. 17"/67 Settle [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] your own family difficulties [[note]] C [[/note]] 59 Sam Williams (C) vs. Mr Joor Dec. 17"/67 claim settld (ordered) not sent. [[note]] Closed [[/note]] 60 James C. Johnson (C) Dec. 17"/67 inquiry for arrears of P. & B. refd. to his atty. [[note]] C [[/note]] 61 Jinnie Williams (C) vs. her Husband Dec. 17"/67 Civil refd. [[note]] C [[/note]] 62 (Pleasant) Patience (C) vs. James Clampitt Dec 17"/67 wants pay for work - settlement ordered.
Transcription Notes:
not sure what the words/letters written over some sections say. I think it is C and Colored?
I think it's "C" or "Closed" to say the case is closed.
For case 50 - The ditto marks might represent "pay for labor" like in case 49 against the same Gehee/Geher man?
Cased 53,57, 61 use the same word (sefs? refd?) about civil cases - some kind of abbreviation maybe?
The ditto marks are referring to the date of the entry, and reference the date immediately preceding. You need to transcribe the date in full for each entry that is there.
Morris Cushenberry confirmed by Census records