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93✓ Isaac Wilson, Col vs James, A. Stewart  Feb 16/68
Complaint for settlement for 5 bales of cotton now in New Orleans, Shipped by G.W. Davis, on return of Davis, I have ordered parties before me for settlement

94✓ Peter Subell Col vs Wm Ventrin  Feb 17/68
Complaint for wages & Share of the crop ordered settlement left open

95✓ Joe Johnson Col vs Mrs Sampson  Feb 17/68 
Complaint for Share of the crop 1867 ordered settlement  Settlement made in favor of Johnson Closed

96✓ Charles Coon Col vs Charly Hooper Col Feb 17/68 
Complaint for one pr of Shoes sold $1.00  Ordered payment at once which was made

97✓ Mrs. E. Alexander vs. Alfred Johnson Col Feb 18/68
Complaint for Stealing chickens, case dismissed could not be proven.

98✓ Louisa Jopplin Col Mrs R.B. & John Fipps Feb 18/68
Complaint of husband misteriously disapearing on Mr. Fipps place Feb. 12" 1868 ordered search to be made but M Fipps threatened to shoot Louisa if she came on his place waiting for answer. Cant find him arrested 4 parties on suspision to be tried before civil courts closed


99✓ Blackwell Nyland Col Vs Augusta Vaughn Feb 19/68
appeared as ordered board of Arbitrators Settles awards Nyland 1 bale of cotton done well  Closed

100✓ Feb 19/68  
[[strikethrough]] owen [[/strikethrough]] John Westly Foot Col found with two wives  Claims last one, been living with first 20 years, & was living with first on the passage of a suit Nov 25" 1865, ordered him to go to his first wife, Gone. ordered new wife to live with him no longer. West takes 2 children, had by new wife, every thing all right & settled amicably  Closed

101✓ Feb 20/68  James Ardrey Col vs Henry Clayborn Col Feb 20/68
Complaints for one Ox which died in the hands of Clayborn after having borrowed the Ox  refuses to pay for it  rendered judgment against him but all his property he exempted by law  Closed

102✓  J H. Gordon & vs Green Browning Col Feb 20/68
Complaint that he refuses to leave his place Sent Sheriff after him ordered him to leave, did so but would not go for Cold Gordon Closed

103✓ Cuffe Major Morse Col Vs Mark Hays Feb 20/68
for wages for cutting wood $17.50 promises to pay Feb 27" 1868 & gives his note & due bill  Closed

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-12 16:30:41