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120  George Clark Col vs W.T. Sims Feb 29 /68
Complaints for wages. Chopping Wood 1867  amount $44 21/100 Settlement made and gives his note for the amount

121  Susanna Prater Col vs Wm Floyed Feb 29 /68
Complaint for share of the crop 1867  refuses to settle Summoned parties to appear march 2" 1868

1  Margaret Washington Col vs E. Gordon  March 1 /68
Complaint for Fodder and Hay 1867  Sumd parties. been settled awarded her her claim.  Closed.

2  Henry Germany Col vs S Hastings  
Complaint for $15.00 a debt Sumd parties 2/68
Settled gives him equivallent in meat

3  Charles Hall Col vs Lewis Taylor  March 2 /68
Complaint for $60 for a debt for a horse. Given back horse and $15 00/100

4  Samuel Fitzhugh Foley Griffin and Earhart Col 2/68
Ordered for examination
5  E H Weirbe  March 2 /68
Petitions for help for 3 colored  persons now on his hands Warminster cannot help with them any longer


6  B C Harris  March 3/68
Makes application for six horses to work on plantation cant find any

7  Andrew Fry Col vs Westly Minor Col  March 3/68
Complains of Minor leaving his place after signing contract wants him back cant do it no Law for it

8  Precious Posey Col vs Ritt Patrick  March 4 /68
Complaint for his Corn ordered him off the place and refuses to give up his corn ordered corn to be turned over and Freedman goes

9  Mary Ann James Col vs Doctor James husband March 4 /68
Complaint her husband left her & took an other Sumd parties gone back with first wife says he did not know any better   Closed

10  Susanna Prater Col vs William H Floyed March 5 /68
Complaint for share of the Crop for 1866  Served parties Case settled Susan in debt Case dismissed

11  Julian Thompson Col vs James Harrison. March 5"/68
Complaint  for share of the crop 1866  Parties served Case settled [[?]] $1.75 money paid  case closed

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-11 16:23:19 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-12 12:12:32