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12  J.L. Phillip Cold vs. Philip Larry Cold  March 6 /68
Complaint for share of the crop 1867 parties sumd case settled in Freedmens favor & pays her $21.00 & 4 barrels of corn

13  L Lazard vs Mark Washington Col March 6 /68
Complaint for $5.00 due for clothing ordered Mark to pay  got no money Case dismissed

14  Jessie Walker vs Jacob Dun Cold March 6 /68
Complaint for having left 4 small children & left the place  wrote for him to come &tend to them told Walker to try and keep them a while longer  he said he would

15  George Small Col vs J.M. Manley   March 7 /68
Complaint for passing New Orleans money on him at par when it was only good for 40ยข on a dollar. sent for Manly & made him give Gun back  

16  Littleton Anderson Cold  [[strikethrough]] vs [[/strikethrough]]   March 9 /68
Complaint about having no means of support is 80 years of age & totally blind  Sent for President board of police & made him provide for him at once dissd 

17  Johana Mashall Col vs Harry Mashall Col   March 9 /68
Complaint about $20 00/100 loaned  Sumd parties. Case settled  Gives her 2 barrels of corn & due bill for $19.00 payable in three month

18  Pluber Young Col vs William Clampitt March 9" 1868
Complaint about not paying note as promised Seized on Clampitt & sold corn & potatoes to the amount of $67.26 money, paid to Pluber

19  Jane Lacey Cold vs Pressby Phillip Col March 10/68
Complaint about her corn & potatoes  Sumd parties  Case settled produce for 1867  Gave her half of the corn & potatoes due her  satisfied Jane to work for him this year

20  George Jolly Cold vs M.L. Palmer March 10/68
Complaint for share of the crop 1867 Parties sumd. settlement made due SJolly $5.00 paid cash

21  Edmond Walker Col vs Harry Clayham. March 10 /68
Complaint about one ox, who died on the hands of Clayham  ox belonged to Walker, Sumd. parties  Settlement made & pays Walker $20.00 cash. 

Transcription Notes:
Entry 15: "New Orleans money " = Confederate Money ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-12 16:25:28