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18   Johnson Wills Col vs Dianah Jackson col  May 12"/68
Complaint that she refuses to work & wont leave the place, [[strikethrough]] when [[/strikethrough]] she is healthy & strong, Sumnd parties to apper May 12" 1868, Case investigated, she promises to work [[shoon?]] if not, I have authorized the man she is working for, to put her off the place any way she has since been doing very well

19   Jennie Robinson Col vs. George Williams May 12"/68
Complaint about having been beaten severily, Summoned parties to appear, Case tryed befor the Major, found guilty, & fined $7.00 & cost. had no money so was sent to jail.

20   Martha Williams Cold vs Joseph Bardly  May 12"/68
Complaint of wanting to go away from Bardley, dont agree with him, wount let her have her pay, dont care for that, but wount let her have her things, ordered a settlement, & the restoration of her things which was don


21" J. A Stewart vs A Party of Freedmen  May 12"/68
Complaint of having solled his plantation to them 1867 & failed to comply with agreement, made a new, & very fair contract for the next coming 2 years by selling about 1,500 acres of land 30 mules, all sorts of farming emplements food houses & quarters  Cattle hogs & Cows & Gin for 200 hundred bales of cotton to be paid by the 1st of Jany 1870 went to said plantation & got them to sign contract & made every thing very satisfactory

22  Belle Kenny Col vs Lunn Waller Col May 15/68
Complaint about a debt of $37.00 borrowed money, Summoned parties to appear May 30th 1868  Case investigated  Ordered payment  he promises to pay in 10 days

23  Charles Hays cold vs Mrs. M.B. Rea May 15/68
Complaint about a debt of $17.00 borrowed money, Summoned parties, paid $5.00, & p promises to pay $500, every month, until paid in full  parties satisfied