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42 Mahala Stewart, Colored vs. Nelson Jenkins 
Complained of Assault and Battery against Jenkins, colored States that Jenkins struck her, (Mahala) with a Hoe, knocked her down with his fist, and punched her in the Belly causing her to bleed like a woman with the menses. Case to be tried before a Justice of the Peace on July 2d. 1868.

43 Iverson Netterville Colored vs. W.H. Simrall 
Complaint of ill treatment in being sent of the place for using insulting language to Mr. Simrall & family. Examined the case and found Netterville in fault entirely. Case settled by Netterville making a full and satisfactory apology to Mr Simrall and family and promising obedience and respect to Mr Simrall and family.

44 Sy Wilson, Colored vs. Walter. Keller,
Charges Keller with Assault and Battery on the person of Wilson, on the 21st June 1868 Keller appeared and was tried before Justice Bonney and fined five dollars  ($5.00) and cost which was satisfactory to all parties

45 Ann Brown, Colored vs. T.H. Brown, (Preacher
Complains of Assault and Battery on the person of Ann Brown, Tried before Justice W.C. Bonney Case settled by Brown paying fine of five dollars ($5.00 and cost.

46 Jack Willis, colored vs J.D. Hunter, Complaint that Hunter refuses to make contract with the Hands and seems to want to back out from verbal contracts. Ordered parties before me to make contract which was complied with and the Case thus settled


47 R.R. Richardson White vs Chas. W Fitzhugh Cold
Complaint that Fitzhugh procured a horse from him R.R.R. valued at seventy five dollars ($75.00) for which he was to pay immediately or return the same to Richardson, both of which he avoids doing, having sold the horse. Ordered to appear before me to settle the same in some way. Case not settled yet.

48 Sam Anderson, Colored vs. Fayette Anderson.
Complaint of having been discharged and sent away because he Sam, refused to promise to vote the Democratic Ticket. Ordered parties before me for investigation. Case settled by Sam being permitted to return to the place and resume his work

49 Isaac Radcliff, Colored vs Philip Magraw.
Complain that he has not received any meat at all, for the past two months. Has no contract and Magraw refuses to make any. Ordered the parties to have Contract made at once and it was done and brought to me for Approval. Case settled by signing contract and Maquire furnishing meat to her hands.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-08 20:05:31