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1st Jane Harden Cold vs Dallis Harden & wife A Perkins July 1st/68
Complaint that her husband Adeline Perkins cohabits together & also beats her mercifully Sent to arrest parties but they have left the county before sheriff could reach them

2 Nora Wheathers Cold vs J.M. Miller
Complaint for wages $2.00 for washing & ironing. Summon parties case investigated & settled by paying the #2.00 also returning her boys cloths which had been taken away from him

3 May Ann Jones Cold vs L W. Vaiden
Complaint of having discharged from the place by Vaidens daughter Summon parties to appear Case investigated no grounds for complaint ordered her back at once which was allowed by Vaiden 

4 William A Simral vs Freedmen on Stockade Plantation - I drawn up the folloing to prevent stealing on the place which was done daily. This will certify that the folloing freedmen after a fair examination & trial have been found guilty of stealing any provision on W.A. Simral plantation in said county 

The fines is they shall pay out of their share of the crop, twice as much produce as shall be missed by stealing when said produce is gathered from said plantation, Said Simral or


any of the hands not implicated shall select come disinterested party say three to asses the damages caused by such stealing & whoever shall hereafter inform on any person caught at stealing shall have one barrel of corn out of the guilty party share of the crops 

5 Sally Johnson Col'd vs John Spencer 
Complaint for wages 7 days work as nurse  Case investigated & orders Spencer to pay her $1.50 which was done

6 Louisa Perkins Col'd vs John Lambert 
Complaint for having been beaten  Sumon parties to appear Case investigated & turned over to civil authority which was tried & he was fined $5.00 & cost 

7 Dick Jones Col'd vs. S.D. Smith 
Complaint for having been discharged from the place on account of his Radical sentiments Summon parties Case investigated no grounds for discharge therefore I ordered Dick back to his work which was allowed by Smith  

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-14 07:12:18