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22 Lydia Spriggs Cold. vs. Bill Cage Cold.
Complaint that Cage owes her a debt of two dollars & 75/100 ($2.75) due since last Dec 1867. for one pr shoes, and one Rooster  Parties summoned, and case settled by Cage paying the Bill. Aug. 20. 1867

23 Henry Perkins cold. vs Geo. H. Powell.
Complaint from Perkins for Mat. Milright. Complaint stating that Powell stabed Millright in the left side with a large Poker & Knife inflicting a very severe wound which may prove fatal, he is now unable walk and cannot appear to make an Affidavit. Requested Perkins to make an Affidavit before magistrate in Amite County as it occured in said county, and have the case tried there which request was complied with.

24  Henry Perkins cold. vs. Geo. H. Powell.
Complaint of Assault and Battery with intent to kill, with a large knife, and also of being turned off the place without pay. Satisfactorily settled by the man returning to the place and to his work.

25 Archie Woodside cold. vs. J.W. Kaigler
Complaint of assault and battery, with a double barreled Shot Gun, and being beaten on the head inflicting severe cut. Case turned over to the Civil Authorities and compromised by the parties concerned.


26 Rosetta Scott cold vs. Annette cold.
Complains that Annette owes her three dollars (3.00) for Rent of house. Debt acknowledged, and Annette promises to pay at once.

27 Rosetta Scott cold vs. Julia A Gordon $3.25 Margaret Colls cold. $4.00 and Sena walker cold. fifty cents ($50/100) all for rent of houses. Parties summoned and all promised to pay as soon as they could get the money which was satisfactory.

28 This is to certify that Polly Smith cold. gives authority to Phillip Gorny to collect $12.00 for her, due from Williams Limans Cold. for a horse sold him by her husband. Gordon Smith, cold. and which has been due over two years. Limans appeared and stated that he had no money but gave his Note which was satisfactory.

29 Adam Turner cold. summoned to appear and answer to the charge of being implicated in and inciting other cold. men to an insurrection to take place on Saturday Aug. 15th 1868. Accusation made by H.S. Van Eaton et Als. Summoned Turner, and investigated the case fully, by examining five witnesses, which was all that could be charged with having any knowledge of the case. Could find no grounds at all for the charge and dismissed the case. It is twelve days since the insurrection was to take place and time has proved the entire frivolity of the accusation. Aug. 28th 1868

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