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18  Andrew Foster Cold. vs. Robt. Leatherman
Complains that you have sent him off the place without a settlement. Ordered Leatherman to appear and make a settlement. Case disposed of by Leatherman paying Foster his bill and by Foster quitting the place

19  Aurelia A. Cage Cold. vs. Edwd. Johnson Cold.
Complains of having been beaten by him in the following manner viz. Struck in the mouth, kicked in the stomach, and Bowels. and abou the Hips. Struck in the Breast, and bound up with she was kicked in her posteriors  open in a stooping position. The case after having investigated was found to be merely free stand up fight between the girl and Johnson and was compromised by shaking hands and calling it square.

20  Mrs. Eliza Patrick vs. Wallis Henderson Cold. 
Complains that Wallis has gathered part of his corn, and refuses to divide the same. he being in her employ at a share of one half the corn, also that Willis is in the habit of using violent and profane language abou t her yard. Summoned the parties and investigated the case. Case settled by Wallis making an agreement to divide the crop at once and making a humble apology for his impertinence and promising to err no  more the to remain on the place satisfactory

21  Aaron Kaiser vs Ella Cold.
Complains that Ella owes him a store Acct. and refuses to settle the same Ordered her before me and investigated. Ella gives her obligation when she sells her share of cotton raised this year. Satisfactory

22  Henderson Linton Col. to Eliza Banyan Col
Complains that his son Dick Linton ran away from him and went to his Mother who is no longer Hendersons wife as they parted previous to the surrender. And Eliza has married again. Sent for the parties and settled the case by permmitting the Mother Eliza to retain the boy Dick as she has Alwaays had him with her, and had all the expense of raising him. They boy is About ten years old.

23  R. Baker vs. Green Reynold Cold.
Complains of a continual disturbance on the place caused by Reynolds. Made a settlement between them for the years work and settled the case by Baker discharging Reynolds and paying him in full $28.63. And sending him off the place which was satisfactory to both parties.