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39  Aunt Aggy Cold. vs. Ned Cold.
Complains that Ned has killed her hog and refuses compensation for same Summoned parties with witnesses. And after investigating case settled it by Ned giving note for the Hog.

40  Dr. A.B. Snell vs. Joe. Davis Cold.
Complains that Joe owes him $35 00/100 for medical attandance, and repudiates the Bill in a Parlimentary manner. Ordered Joe to appear before me immediately which he did, and after slight coersive measures, gave his Note to pay the bill payable at Christmas.

41  James Whitaker v.s. Alex Branch Cold.
Complains that Alex is impudent and insulting and will not obey his orders. requests that Alex be sent off his  place. Investigated the case and found both parties about equally in fault. Compromised by permitting Alex to gather his crops and then to move off the plantation. and in the mean time to use respectfull language and attend to his own affairs

42  B. Brouse vs. Philip Smith and George Harrison Cold.
Complains that the hands Philip and George owe him and dont want to settle Summoned the parties and examined the accts and settled by giving Mr Brouse their share of the crops and they moving off his place


43  Mr. William Simerall vs. Len. Davis Cold.
Complains that Len is on his place and is living by stealing. This is the fourth complaint against Len. Ordered him confined in the County Jail for the space of four days.

44  John Douglas Cold. vs. Jim Germany and Dan Mars, Cold.
Complains that Jim and Dan borrowed a wagon and before returning it the wagon was stolen. Case settled by them pay for the wagon thrity nine dollars ($39.00/100)

45  Request of J.W. Kaigler and two of his hands Richard Drake Cold and Archie Woodside Cold. that I should write and witness a Receipt for two suits of clothes for each of the above named Freedmen given them by Mr Kaigler in accordance with his contract which was done this day October 21st 1868.

46  Richard Jackson Cold vs. Thomas Berryhill and Charles Berryhill of Amite County.
Complaints that they have lain in ambush for hin, for two weeks past, and have fired at him once with a gun, loaded with Buck Shot. One shot having hit him on the calf of his leg. thereby doing him serious injury, and endangering his life. I ordered the Sheriff of Amite County to give Jackson adequate protection, and to use great exertion to capture and arrest the Berryhills against whom he already had warrants, based upon affidavits against them for Assault with attempt to kill.

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