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October 1868

47  Hugh M. Foley Cold vs Charles Armstrong Cold
Complains that he refuses to pay tuition for his children sent for Armstrong Settlement and pays him Foley $1.50

48  Charles Harwold Cold vs. Bladon Williams
Complains that after having sold to Williams one horse, for which he paid $30.00 down the balance to be paid Jany 1st 1868 ($45 00/100) refuses so to do Summond party to appear Case investigated Settled by turning back to Harwold the horse and Harwold paying Williams back $10.00

49  Mrs S. and A. Pimson vs Lew Phillip
Complains that Philipp killed a mule by whipping and wishes pay for the same. Case deferred for [[?]]

50  Thomas Fisher Cold. vs [[?]] Whittstons
Complaint for wages, 4 months, at $3.00 per month. Refuses to pay for the boy went off without permission. case investigated.  matter fixed up and boy goes back to his work and [[?]]will pay him at the end of the year according to contract.


October 1868

51  Loney Green Cold. vs Burke
Complaint for wages to the amount of $9.50 for 9 1/2 days work at the rate of $1.00 per day labor performed repairing the Buffalo Bridge, Wilkinson County  Summoned Burke to appear October 31 1868 for settlement.

52  Maria Sorns Cold vs William Hewett
Complaint that Hewitt beated both her and her child unmercifully and that he drove her from his place and told her if she ever place her foot on his place again he would blow her damn brains out, following her up the distance of about two miles with a loaded revolver in his hand. her clothing and her child being then on his place She wishes me Sub Asst Comr to obtain them for her as she dare not return them her self. This is in Amite County ordered Sheriff of said County to arrest him as soon as possible and have him tried and also made to restore to Maria her clothes and child.

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