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November 1868

33  George Johnson Col'd vs Thornton Newell Col
Complains about the trade of a horse which was done in presence of witnesses Thornton was to pay $60.00 for the horse on the 1st of January 1868, but after having kept the horse one month he bring him back & without saying any thing to George & in his absence places said horse in a lot & in a few days after since horse died Now Thornton refuses to pay for the horse. I ordered him to pay at once had no money but gives George one bale of cotton to sell, & the balance over $60.00 to return to Thornton which was done in office.

34  Louisa Hilton Col'd vs William Lawrence
Complains about his beating her over the head & shoulder with a stick Summoned parties, case turned over to Civil Authority found guilty & found  $5.00 & cost

35  Sub Asst Comr orders the Town Marshal to arrest & bring before the Mayor five parties, Frank Best, W'm Lamhart, Adam Lamhart, white, Andrew Griffin & Joseph Johnson Cold for trial all found guilty & found $5.00 & cost.


November 1868

36  Almira Baker Col'd vs James Martin
Complains of having been discharged October 3" & now came to complain untill November 19" I dismissed the case after having written a note & received an answer which satisfied me that she deserved the discharge

37 Adison Hurbert Cold vs Ned Cline Cold
Adison having been lodged in Jail in the fall part of this year but not untill he had planted two acres of cotton which was in charge & for his sister to cultivate. Ned during the time Adison was confined in prison went & picked & sold the cotton & refuses to give Adison any portion of the proceeds Summoned parties & ordered him to pay half of the proceeds or else be lodged in jail he pays the one half

38  Thomas Wise Col'd vs R Brouse
Complains about a debt of $115.00 for diferent kind of work performed on house Summoned parties, case investigated, bill found correct. Brouse bring in a bill of rent vs Thomas to the amount of $135.00. bill acknowledge & found by me correct. therefore I ordered Thomas to pay the $20.00 had no mony gives his due bill.

Transcription Notes:
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