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167  November 1868.

39 Dr. S.F. Terrell vs. N. B. Earhart Cold
Complains about a debt for work to the amount of $18.00 Case turned over to Civil authority obtained Judgement & attached Earhart Salary of $25.00 in the hands of the Sub Asst Comr.

40 Elija Caruth Cold vs Mrs Robinson
Complains that she refuses to make settlement for 1867 T. B. Halfield (white) & Joseph Knight & Squire Bell Cold. was summoned as witnesses to appear December. 3" 1868. Mr S. Bell is to appeare in place of Mrs Robinson

41 Three Freedmen Complains that they cannot make a satisfactory settlement with Mr J. W. Kaigler Jr Sent for all parties to appear at my office. Case thoroughly investigated & Settlement made Satisfactory to both party

42 Sub.Asst. Comr takes out of jail, a boy (Freedman) under the menalty ofa fine to the amount of $38.75 names Westly Pager Col & hires the same to John McNealy at the rate of $5.00 per month until said fine is paid hm Westly being well Satisfied.

November 1868

43 Flora Gray Cold Vs. Joephus Soor Cold
Complains that she fears that a fair settlement will not be made Summond parties to appear, case investigated complaint fount correct & ordered Jesephus Soor to devide Said crops as it is gatherd from the fiels, which was agreed to

44 Harry Mitchell Cold Vs J.M.Miller
Complains about a debt of $8.00 parties summond case investigated Complain correct Settlement made & cash paid to the full amount

45  J.M.Miller Vs Harry Mitchell Cold 
Complains about a debt of $13.00 dut for jail fees & in order to prevent my confinement Case investigated & found correct ordered payment whritwas don in full

46. Rober H Green Cold v.s. John Stricker
Complains that J.S. refuses to settle with him because Rober is indebted to Mr R.A. Dowty from last year, and garnish  having been served I at once issued an order to Mr Stricker to Settle forthwith with Rober as verbal garnish are not legall the above order was complied with