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177  178

December 1868

15 C.M. Logan appears after being Summoned at the request of two Freedmen for wages from last year 1868 Freedmen afraid he will not settle. A settlement was made by Logan giving his note payable Jany 1 1869 to the amount of $178 00/100

16  Debby Baker Cold vs N.B. Earhart Cold
Complains about a debt of $5 due 13 months for midwifery Stopped Earharts pay and obtained the amount

17  Catherine Spears Cold vs May Robinson Cold
Complains about a debt of $30.00 due from the year 1868 as wages Summoned parties Case investigated debt strongly disputed Claim not very strong ordered $15 00/100 to be paid Satisfactory on both side

18   James A Stewart vs Augusta M Burkner Cold
Complains abut a debt for supplies furnished during the year 1867 to the amount of $62 00/100 Summoned parties to appear December 19 1868

19  Allen McClain Cold vs John Beret Henry Scott
Complains of having been beatened on the head with a board, the marks shows for it Case turned over to Civil Authorities

20  Emma Scott Cold vs Green Reynolds Cold
Complains of an assault and battery on her person by Green R with his both fist and fist knocking her down Several times Case turned over to Civil Authorities for trial

21  James A Stewart vs Augusta Ann Baker Cold
Complains about a debt of $62 00/100 Summoned parties settlement made She and husband give their joint note which is Satisfactory

22  Adelia Fitzhugh Cold vs Samuel Fitzhugh Cold
Complains of his beating her, Summoned parties Adelia makes an affidavit vs him for an assault and battery and also binding him over to keep the  peace for 12 months. Sub Asst Comr also makes an affidavit vs Sam for Vagrancy and the fourth charge for abusive language towards me and the Office

23  Dr T.J. Henderson vs sixteen (16) Freedmen
Complains that they refuse to pay him for medical attendance as their employer was to furnish the sum on contract examined the contract and find that Freedmen are responsible for this own medical bills ordered payment in settlement.

24  Johnson A Daphes Cold vs Frank Parker
COmplains about a debt of $10.00 borrowed money Summoned parties Case settled by giving Johnson 20 barrels of corn.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-12 13:31:21