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Bates J. A. 
Capt & Supt

Rec'd back Jan 8th/67
Bureau R F & A L
Office of Supt 3d Dist DP
Richmond Va Jan 8/67

Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown A.A.A.G. Dept Potomac, whose attention is invited to a requisition forwarded to the Asst Com'r for 40 cords of wood. It is respectfully requested that the Chief Qr Mr of the Bureau be directed to furnish the wood at once, so that it can be issued to prevent suffering.
Sg'd James A Bates
Capt 43d Infy. Supt

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r D of P
Richmond Va Jan 8th/67
Respectfully returned to Capt J. A. Bates Supt. 
Had he in the first instance complied with the instructions herein contained, it would have prevented delay. The Chief Quartermaster will furnish the wood as soon as possible. 
This wood will be issued to the same class of persons as are allowed rations, and the receipt of the parties to whom it is issued, taken in duplicate, one copy of which will be forwarded to these Head Quarters. 
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Schofield Asst Comr
Sign'd O. Brown
Garrick Mallery
The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book.

Bates J. A. 
Capt & Supt

Bureau R F & A L
Office Supt 3d Dist D.P.
Richmond Va Jan 7th/67

Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown A.A.A.G. D of Potomac. By forwarding to the Commissioner a copy of the order by which Officers reporting to me were assigned to duty in the Bureau, as directed in par 2 circular. 12. series of 1866 War Dept Bu H'd Qrs. 
The Supt of the 3d Dist Dept of Potomac is of the opinion that the provision of Par 2 of the above circular does not apply to the Supts in this Dept as they do not assign Officers to duty in the Bureau, neither do they relieve them.
Sg'd James. A. Bates
Capt 43 Infy & Supt


Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r D of P
Richmond Va Jan 8th/67

Respectfully returned to Capt J. A. Bates Supt. whose attention is invited to Par. 451. Revised Army Regulations. 
Capt Bates will hereafter forward his official Communication through the intermediate channels unless otherwise ordered.
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Schofield Asst Com'r
Sign'd O. Brown
Garrick Mallery

McDonnell J. A. 
Capt & Supt.


Rec'd back Jan 9/67
Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs 7th Dist Dept &c
Lynchburg Va Jan 4th/67

Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown A A A G. In consequence of the detaching of Augusta County.
Sg'd R. S. Lacey
Capt & Supt

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs 7th Dist Dept &c
Richmond Va Jan 9th/67

Respectfully referred to Capt J. A. McDonnell Supt &c for the information called for in previous endorsement from these Head Qurs.
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Schofield Asst Com'r
Sign'd O. Brown
Garrick Mallery

Armstrong S. C. Supt.

Rec'd back Jan 9/67
Bureau R F & A L
Office Chief Quartermaster
Washington Jan 8th/67

Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj Genl J. M. Schofield Asst Com'r &c. Attention is invited to the enclosed Circular (No 1 of Jan 2d/67) from this office and compliance with the last paragraph thereof requested.
By command of Maj Genl Howard Commissioner
Sg'd Henry. M. Whittlesey
Bvt Brig Genl & Chief Q.M.
Bureau R F & A L


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-10 11:46:49 Needs fixing. Reopened. Need to separate things. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-10 19:43:05