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H'd Qrs Dept of the Potomac
Bureau of R F & A L
Richmond Va Jan 30th/67

Respectfully referred to Genl S.C. Armstrong Supt for affidavit required by Circular No. 8. series 1866. from Claim Division Bureau RF & AL.
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Schofield Asst Comr
Signed O. Brown
Garrick Mallery

Armstrong S.C.

Rec'd back Jan 30th/67
Bureau RF & AL
Office Supt 3rd Dist D of P
Richmond Va Jan 28th/67

Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig Genl O Brown A.A.A.G. &c with the instructions of the Assistant Commissioner complied with.
Sg'd James A Bates
Capt 43rd Infy & Supt

H'd Qrs Dept of the Potomac
Bureau of R F & A L
Richmond Va Jan 30th/67

Respectfully referred to Genl S.C. Armstrong Supt &c for collection. (If the regiment is at Fort Monroe) 
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Schofield Asst Comr
Sign'd O. Brown
Garrick Mallery
The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book

War Dept Bureau &c

Rec;d back Jan 31st/67
Bureau R F & A L
Dinwiddie C.H. Va.
Jany 22nd 1867

Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj J.R. Stone Supt 2nd Dist. I went to Lunenburg C.H. Jan 20th 1866.
There were a few old people occupying the house on the within named farm. who were sent to the Hospital at Farmville in Feby 1866. After my arrival I had them supplied with wood. but was informed that they had burned most of the fences on the place. how good the fences were. or how much of them were destroyed. I do not know. but from its general appearance think the whole place must have been in bad repair when 


occupied by the Government. The principal house on the place is a "two story" log house & a poor one at that. Mr. Tisdale at the Court House made a crop of oats there in 1865. but said they were much damaged by the freedmen making paths through them.
The place was not held by the Bureau after Feby 1866. I candidly believe that Mr Webbs estimate of the damages is too high. as I have heard good judges say that they did not consider the whole place worth more than $2000.
Sg'd  J.A. Yeckley
Lt & Asst Supt
Dinwiddie Co Va

Bureau R F & A L
Office Asst Supt
Burkesville Va Jan 29th/67

Respectfully returned to Maj J.R. Stone Supt 2d Dist Va with the information that I have carefully investigated the within claim. and submit the following report in relation thereto.
The farm and buildings thereon. was first occupied by a Battl'n of 16. NY. H'vy Artillery. under command of Major Morris of that Reg't on 1st day of June 1865. On the 20th of that month this officer organized a camp for Freedmen on the same farm. His authority for doing so I cannot ascertain but it seems he believed it necessary. owing to the large number of Freedmen without homes. and them roaming about the County.
This particular farm was selected by reason of its being at that time vacant and supposed to be abandoned. Early in August of the same year a Bureau officer was assigned to the county, who immediately assumed charge of the camp. Prior to this and while the troops were in charge of the camp one out=house and one mile of fencing had been destroyed. When Lieut Chapman took charge. the Dwelling house, Corn Crib. Smoke House, and Ice House. were still standing though in very poor order. A considerable portion of the fencing was still in good order. Between the 15th Aug and 20th Nov 1865 the Ice House. Smoke House. Corn Crib and about one mile of fencing had been burnt or destroyed by the Freedmen occupying the camp. No wood was furnished them,  and they were compelled to use the 

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