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M. 168. 1.V.67.
Virginia First Dist 

Bureau of R.F. and A L
H.Q. 9th. Dist. Va.
Winchester Va. Apl. 6. 67

Respectfully referred to Maj. Genl. Schofield, Comdg 1st. Dist thro H'd Qrs Asst Comr state of Va. with the following information. The property within referred to, as will be seen by the enclosed deed, belonged, in 1861, as it does at this time to the Genl. Conference of the Ministers and Preachers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. During the war, a portion of this Conference with the state, seceeded, and established, what is now called the Episcopal Methodist Church, and took possession of the Church property in Winchester and Berryville, after the war closed Genl Ayers Comdg. this Dist issued an order restoring the property to the original owners, and the within named church was taken possession of by the representatives of the Genl Conference Shortly afterwards, permission was given by the Rev'd. Mr. Mullen (the representative of the Genl Conference) to the Episcopal Methodist to hold service in the church on alternate sabbaths. but as soon as the latter obtained the key, the doors were locked against the minister and members of the Genl. Conference. some of whom were arrested, for endeavoring to gain admittance and bound over to keep the peace. Subsequently application was made to Judge Parker for an injunction on the property by the Minster of the Genl. Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which was refused on the ground that the General Conference were alien and foreigners. The opinion of Mr. Conrad, a prominent Rebel and Lawyer is herewith transmitted, application was made to Maj. Brown Comdg Officer of this Post for restoration of this property, in Sept last. but as no action appears to have been taken in the premises, and as no copy of the deed was then filed, Rev'd Mr. Mullen renews the application thro Bu R.F. and AL
Sig'd J.A. McDonnell
Capt and Supt

Bureau of R F and A L
H.Q. Asst. Comr State of Va
Richmond Va Apl. 9. 67

Respectfully transmitted to Col S.F. Chalfin A.A.G.
Sg'd O. Brown
Bvt Brig Gen'l Vols
Asst. Com.

Garrick Mallery


S. 16. 1.V.67
Remington J H 


Received back Apl 9. 67.
Bureau of R.F and A L
Office Supt 1st Dist
Apl 4th. 1867

Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown Asst Com state of Va It appears from the official records of the within case as subsequently explained by the arbitrators that rent is due Mr Taylor from Sept 10th. 1866. to October 1" 1866 at the rate of $1417.50 per annum and from October 1" 1866 to Jan 26. 1867 (date of delivery of the farm) at the rate of $1125.00 per annum with such allowances for wood consumed from Nov 23. 1866. to Jan. 26. 1867 "as may be agreed upon" The arbitrators allowed $700.00 for wood consumed from Sept 10th 1865 to Nov. 23. 1866. and it would seem to be in accordance with the spirit of the award to make compensation in the same ratio for the quantity used during the remainder of the time that the estate was occupied by the Bureau of RF and AL viz from Nov. 23. 1866. to Jan 26. 1867.
Sigd. J.H. Remington
Bvt Maj. Supt. &c.

Bureau of R F and A L
H Q Asst Com State of Va
Richmond Va. Apl. 9. 67

Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj. Remington who will ascertain and report as to the amount of wood on the "Taylor Farm" at the time of the award, and the amount remaining when the Farm was given up- Also the number of freedmen on the farm when given up, in comparison with the number on it during the time for which payment has been made.
Sg'd O. Brown
Bvt Brig. Genl. Vols
Asst. Com'r
Garrick Mallery

Stone J.R
Bvt. Maj. & S 

Received back Apl. 9th 1867.
Bureau of R.F. and A L
State of Virginia
Office Chief Q.M. and D.O.

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Brig. Genl. O Brown Asst. Com'r with the remark that from the instructions contained in the enclosed copy of the Qr. Mr. Genl. letter dated Mch 26. 1866. It will be found that the building specified by Maj. Stone (Qr. Mr office No. 1. 20 x 40) was among the number to be retained by the Bureau, unless the Q.M. Dept have received subsequent instructions to those contained in the letter of the Qr Mr General above referred to. I see no reason why it should now claim the,

Transcription Notes:
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