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Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr. Va.
Richmond Va. July 5th. 67.

Respectfully returned to Lt. P.R. Hambrick, inviting attention to endorsement of Bvt. Maj: J. R. Stone, S.A.C. 
O. Brown
Bvt. Brig: Genl. Vols.
Asst. Comr.

Hambrick, Paul R. ✓
Lt. & Actg: S.A.C.
456. - 1.V.67 ✓

Read back July 5th 67
Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. 5th Div: 5th S. Dist. Va.
New Kent C.H. Va. June 21st 67

Respectfully returned to S. C. Armstrong, Agt. &c. with report enclosed.
(Sgd.) N. M. Brooks
Capt. V.R.C. & A.S.A.C.

Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commr. Va.
Richmond, VA. July 5th 1867

Respectfully returned to Lt. P.R. Hambrick, Act. S.A.C. who will notify the sheriff of Richmond that the order suspending the execution of this judgement is revoked.
O. Brown
Bvt. Brig: Genrl. Vols.
Asst. Commr.

L. 229.2.V.67
Lacey, R.S. ✓
Agent : Bu: &c:

Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commr. Va.
Richmond, VA. July 5th 67

Respectfully returned to Capt. R.S. Lacey, S.A.C. - In the chance of the father of the within named boys the mother is the natural guardian, and as such is entitled to their custody.
O Brown
Bvt: Brg: Genrl. Vols.
Asst. Commr.


B. 391.2.V. 67
War Dept. Bu. &c: ✓

(See H. 148.3. V. 67. page) 578.

Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commr. Va.
Richmond, Va. July 5th 67

Respectfully returned to Maj: Genl. O.O. Howard Comr. The property referred to is now occupied by the Comdg: General of the District and his staff. The Comdg. General is now negotiating, with the approval of Genl. Grant and the Sec: of War, for the purchase of all the interest not held by the Bureau in the Chesapeake Cottage property and other lands adjourning and it is proposed to recommend to Congress to direct the Sec: of War, to retain possession, for Military purposes, of the portion of the property referred to, which is now held by the Bureau.

This property is regarded as very valuable to the Government for Military use, and it is especially important that its possession be retained by the Bureau until the pleasure of Congress, in regard to it can be made known - It is the special request of the Major General Commanding the District; that the Commissioner will not surrender the property until the matter can be submitted to Congress.

O. Brown
Bvt. Brig: Genrl. Vols.
Asst. Comr.

D e Lamater, J.J. ✓
Surg: in chf: Bu: &c:

Recd: back July 5th 1867.
Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Office Surg. in chf: Dist. Va.
Richmond, Va. July 4th 67.

Respectfully returned to Genl. Brown with order for admission of within named freedman to Hospital. Thinks one attendant to accompany him sufficient. If necessary a straight jacket can be used.
(sgd.) J.J. De Lamater
Bvt. Lt. Col. & Surg in chf. Bu. &c.

Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. Va.
Richmond, Va. July 5th 67.

Respectfully returned to Surgeon J.J. De Lamater Surgeon in chief Bu. RF & A.L. with transportation for the insane Freedman.-

Transcription Notes:
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