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Holly Springs, Miss.,
1.Sheriffs and others

The following order emanating from the pro tem commander of this military district, justifies our opinion of him, and is all that any fair minded citizen could expect in the execution of the delecate trust with which he is charged:
(Mississippi and Arkansas.)
Vickburg Miss, Jan. 27, 1868.
Gen. Orders
No. 6.
Circulars No.19, 22, an 24, series of 1867, from these Headquarters, are hereby revoked without prejudice, however, to any action which may have been already taken in accordance with said Circulars. Hereafter all questions arising from settlement of crops, and generally the relations of debtors and creditors of civil suitors, will be left to the proper civil courts- except such cases affecting the rights of Freedmen, or others, as by Acts of Congress are specially committed to the care of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
By order of Brevet Maj. General ALVAN C GILLEM, JOHN TYLER, First Lieut 43d Infantry Brevet Major U.S. Army A. A. A. G.

Official: NAT. WOLFE,
2d Lieut, 34th Infantry, A. A. A. G.

Monthly Report required

1. No Rations issued - To be forwarded on the 1st of each Month
2. 1. Report of Officers and Enlisted men - To be forwarded on the 1st of each Month
3 2. Report of Civilian Employees - To be forwarded on the 1st of each Month
4 3. Report of Persons and Articles Hired- To be forwarded on the 1st of each Month
5   Report of Operations - To be forwarded on the 1st of each Month
6   Report of Complaints and Outrages - To be forwarded on the 1st of each Month
7   Report of Letter form - To be forwarded on the 1st of each Month
8.  Monthly Report of Quartermaster’s Property - To be forwarded on the 1st of each Month 

Hustisford, Wisconsin 
Meridian, Miss

Letters Sent
from July 1867
to Jany 31/68


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