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[[3 Columned Table]] | When received | Name of writer. | Date and purport of letter. | | --- | --- | --- | | April 20 1/66 1 | Boyedatere Mr | Neshoba Co Miss April 17th 1866 States that he was visited by a man calling himself Capt Gardener with authority signed G. Woodard Justice of peace for Neshoba Co, to take Nancy and Milly. Freed Girls whom he had hired by contract with the Mother of said Girls Gordon took the Girls and delivered them to one Huckmen. Requests that justice be done him in this case. | | April 21 1866 2 | Backeman N. L. Presiding Elder of Miss. District | Vicksburg Miss April 16 1866 Wants to know if a lot has been or can be purchased in Meridian for the erection of a church for colored people or Freedmen | | April 30 [[strikethrough]] 20 [[/strikethrough]], 1866 3 | Bath W. B. | States in reply to communication asking for Neds contract. that Ned has been of great trouble and loss to him and that he will visit this office and explain | | May 7th 1866 4 | Bell J. See E.B. p. 3. | Jackson, Miss May 7th 1866 States that his son will call for records, asks that Orange released and returned. states that his family needs his services.| | May 30th 1866. 5. | J. D. Byers 1st Lt. & Sub Comm’r Dist of Vicksburg. | Bu R.F. & A.L. Office Sub Comm’r Dist of Vicksburg Vicksburg, Miss, May 28. 1866. Requests that the discharge of Jannett Nicholas (col'd) late Q F. 58th U.S.C.I. or a receipt showing that it is on file in this office be sent to his. |
Transcription Notes:
2 unknowns
Reopened for Editing 2024-07-10 11:26:20
Pls read instructions on how to transcribe tables, this is not correct, now corrected
Reopened for Editing 2024-07-10 14:38:07