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[[4 columned table]]
| Date of Receipt and file No. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Communication. | Action. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Dec 15" 72. 1. (indexed) | McMillan James Captain 3d Artillery Chief Disbursing Officer | Washington. December 11" 1872. Encloses blanks which were overlooked when letter of instructions of Dec 5" 1872, was mailed to Lieut Counselman. | On file |
| Dec. 15" 72 2. (indexed) | Townsend E. D. Adjutant General | Washington, December 7, 1872.  States that the duties devolving upon Lieut. Counselman under par 6. S.O #316. from the War Dept. series of 1872. shall not interfere with his regular post duties unless by reason of the number of payments to be made becomes  onerous in which case special instructions will be communicated | On file |
| Jan'y 3" 73 3. (indexed) | Vincent Thomas M. A.A. General. | Washington December 28" 1872. Informs Lieut. Counselman that at present the services of a clerk are not deemed necessary to enable him to perform the duties devolving upon him under par 6. S.O. #315. c.s. | On file |
| Feb'y 7" 73. 4. (indexed) | Vincent Thomas M. A.A. General | Washington November 2" 1872. Copy of Circular from the War Dep't. A.G.O. of Nov. 2" 72. containing instructions regarding payments in any case in which the discharge certificate of the soldier may be received by the Disbursing Officer. | On file |
| Mar 8" 73. 5 (indexed) | Vincent Thomas M. A.A. General | Washington March 3d 1873. Directs that the Number of Certificate (Treasury.) be entered on the weekly statements of pay | On file |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-11 16:35:14