Viewing page 13 of 183

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Kerfoot Abraham }
Carefoot Abram } -25 
Kelley John - 44
Kirby Byron - 67 
Kincade Saml - 69
Kenley Jack - 79
Kemper Isaiah - 79
Knight Thomas - 85 - 93 
Kennell Stephen - 85 - 93 
Kepatrick E.H. - 110
Kennedy David - 116 
Kincade Richard - 117 
Keelen Joseph - 143 
Kelly Alexander - 167 - 185 
Kenny Joseph - 167 
King James - 167 
Kelley Allen - 180 
Kennedy Charles - 182 
Kendall Wesley - 183 
Kelley George - 227 
Kertley Peter - 254 
King Porter - 254 
Kertley Moses - 286