Viewing page 14 of 183

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Lewis Charles -3 
Lawson George - 4 
Lilley Moses - 4 
Lafont Thomas - 9  
La Motte R. S. - 12 
Lyon America - 22 
Levil Canada - 23 - 41 - 
Logan Plato - 27
Loving Jerry & Edward - 44
Lenox Burr - 44
Lewis Frank. - 44
Littlepage R. S - 46 - 60
Leavell Jane - 46
Lisles Fiddling or Fielding - 48
Lisles John - 48
Lewis Morgan - 69
Lee Harry - 69
Lee Isham - 69
Lyons Van - 78 - 93 - 106 - 131
Lewis Charles - 79 - 91
Looney Harvey - 85 - 93
Loving George - 85 - 93
Lewis Thomas - 85 - 93 - 131
Lackey Smith - 86 - 91
Lawson John - 89
Lee James - 115
Lumkins Reuben - 115
Lewis Granville - 116
Lackey George - 117
Loving Horace - 118 - 131
Lewis Henry - 118 - 131
Lucas Isaac - 118 - 131
Leach Peter - 118 - 131
Lessing Lewis - 135
Lackey Ben - 135
Lyon H. B. - 138
Londell George - 143
Lysle Levi - 146
Lewis Patrick - 152
Lewis Milton - 167
Lewis Daniel - 167
Lewis Henry - 171
Lock Dudley -171
Lee Joseph - 171

Lively George - 179
Lydian Anna - 180
Levell Daniel - 178
Lancaster James - 180
Lilly John - 183
Lewis George - 183
Lumix Wm. - 197
Lewis Milton - 209
Long Solomon - 227 
Lindsay J B - 232 - 261.
Locbridge George - 244
Lewis James - 259
Leo Reuben - 259 - 277
Lewis Julia - 259
Lane Ann - 273 - 288 - 300
Lyle Sarah - 286
Lewis Margaret - 285
League Sally - 287

Transcription Notes:
done - two columns - pls review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-30 12:00:14 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-08-02 22:19:14