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Snead Orange - 2 Secretary of U.S. Treasury -8-14-62-63-89-102-133-146-158-176 192-244-264-275-282-293 Slaughter Wilkerson - 17 Slaughter Henry - 17 Smith James - 18 Smith Squire - 23-41 Sanders Amy - 23 Small Riley - 23-41 Smith James - 31 Smith Bartlett - 31 Smith Josiah - 36-43 Sanders Gilbert - 35-41 Stone John - 35 Smith Sidney - 35 Stephens John & Green - 41-59 Smith Walton - 42 Sorney Blythe - 48 Summers Henry - 54 Slaughter Charlotte - 54 Simms Pius - 61 Swan Solomon - 67 Smith Killis - 67 Scott Elizabeth & Charlotte - 68 Sweeney George - 69 Stuart Charles - 69-91 Smith Lott - 69 Swope Walker - 69 Stewart Horton - 69 Sutton George - 79-91-130-166 Spears Henry - 79 Saxon Charles O. - 85-93-131 Simmons Pickney - 85-93 Starkhill David - 86 Scott Williams - 86 Sheppard Thomas - 87 Smith Walton - 95 Swaine P.J - 98-161-201 Shepherd Richard - 115 Smith William - 115 Samuels Scipio - 116 Smith William - 116-130 Sterrill Charles - 116 Sinclair James - 117-130-147 Smith Harvey - 117 Swope Mason - 117 Sparks Henry - 118-131 Simms Saml - 118-131 Stone William - 118-131 Smith Quincy -118-131 Sampson Alex - 129 Simpson Anthony - 129 Scott Lewis - 129 Stitt Britton - 135-166-186 Sweetman George - 135 Stanley Saml - 143 Smith William - 148-166 Shillmem Charles - 147 Stone Gilbert - 147 Smith William - 152 Sinclair John - 152 Steele Alexander - 152-166 Smith Henry & C Jeremiah -153-165 229-186 Starks Henry - 152 Shearer Henry - 167-185 Smith Joshua - 171 Stephens Tenny - 171 Simons or Simmons Living -171 Spares Remus - 171 Sinclair Allen - 171 Smith Spencer - 171 Small Charles - 178 Stellart George - 182 Smoot Hubbard - 184 Smith Wyatt - 183 Spaulding Frederick - 182 Simons William - 195 Sleets Robert - 197 Sanders David - 209 Stewart Williams - 209 Smith Elijah, Mollie & Hallie - 209 Stone Sanford - 209 Spurr John - 210 Smith Page - 209 Smith Owen - 209 Singleton James - 209 Spears Celia - 209 Salta Edward - 221
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