Viewing page 22 of 183

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Smith Moses - 222 
Story John - 226 
Simmons Susan - 225 
Samuels Caleb - 227 
Sinclair Mitchell - 243 
Smith Geo & Philip - 243 
Stowers Abram - 255- 278 - 288 
Smith Beverly - 254 
Sales Wyatt - 254 
Stephens Thornton - 254 
Steele James (Gdn.) - 258
Singleton Wesley - 259 
Swope Benjamin - 259 
Snell Dennis - 259 
Self Malinda - 268 
Smith Alexander - 273
Smith Sanford - 273 
Steel Frank - 273 
Smith Mitchell - 273 
Smith Alexander - 273 - 288 - 300 
Scruggs Maria - 285 - 300 
Savage Jerry - 285 - 300 
Slapp Robert - 285
Shaekleford Joseph - 298
Sullivan Edward - 298
Speeker Silas - 298

Townsend E.D. 1-7-10-13-14-20-21-24-28-29-32-37-"40" 43-50-52-71-72-73-81-84-88-90-94-99-101 102-103-105-113-114-121-122-123-125-132-134-137 141-145-144-150-156-157-159-160-161-162-170-175 "199" 177-187-188-190-195-198
Tadlock William - 2  
Taylor Henrietta - 3  
Thomas Maria - 3  
Talbot Solomon - 3  
Toliver William - 3  
Talbot Jones - 6  
Tyler J.M. - 12  
Todd Elizabeth - 23  
Talbot Master - 23 
Todd Jeptha - 31-41 
Tucker Daniel - 29  
Taylor Henry - 29-82-102  
Turner James - 31  
Taylor John - 36-43  
Todd Amos - 35 
Tilford Joseph - 35 
Tillman Sidney - 45-59-91-130-166  
Trabul Isaac - 46  
Tribble Wm - 45-82  
Tester Adaline - 41  
Tilford Reuben - 54  
Taylor Richard - 67-93  
Thurman Richard - 69  
Thomas Samuel - 75  
Targenton Henry - 79
Turner John - 85-93  
Talley Solomon - 85-93  
Taver [[?Lav?]] - 98  
Terry Andrew - 114  
Thompkins Edward - 115
Tribble Shelton - 116  
Trimble John - 117  
Taylor John - 117-130  
Taylor Jackson - 117  
Taylor Warren - 117-130  
Thilman Watson & Jordan - 118-131  
Thornton James - 118-131  
Taylor William - 125  
Townsend Spencer - 127  
Turney Matt - 129  
Taylor Henry - 134-166-186  
Thomas James - 135-166-185  
Turner Richard - 135  

Talbot Jack - 141
Taylor George - 147-166
Todd Amos - 152-166
Taylor Robert - 152
Todd Smith - 152
Tally John - 153
Turner Nelson - 152
Taylor Homer - 152
Tevis John - 152
Tyler Cordelia - 167
Talbot Robert - 171
Taylor James - 171
Thomas Henry - 171
Taylor Jefferson - 178
Thompson Delia - 179
Tevis  Harlun - 179
Thompson Henry - 178
Thompson Elijah - 178
True Alexander - 183
Taylor William - 183
Tucker Evan - 183
Turner David 197
Turban William - 197
Taylor William - 197
Terrill Joseph - 197
Thompson Anderson - 209
Tucker Madison - 209
Taylor Saml - 222
Thomas Charlotte - 227
Taylor Richard - 227
Trumbo Hiram - 227
Talbott Ann - 227
Thompson Mason - 234
Thomas Saml - 240
Thomas Jane - 242
Trumbo Elizabeth - 254
Thompson Henry - 259-277
Tucker C.C. - 270
Taylor Alexander - 267
Thomas Caesar - 286
Thompson Caroline - 287
Thompson William - 286
Taylor Martha Jane - 292

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-31 14:22:17 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-31 17:39:51 Question marks remaining ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-08-04 21:42:41