Viewing page 25 of 183

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Wallace Allen - 3  
Welch Green - 3  
Walker Joseph - 3  
Walker Mary, A - 3  
Wash James - 3 - 41  
White James - 15  
Washington Charles - 17  
Woodford Edward - 17  
Wakefield Mary - 19 - 42  
Walker Mary - 23   
Washington George - 23  
Wood Thomas - 26  
Wait Eli - 31 - 41  
Williams Harrison - 31  
White Simpson - 31  
White Jerry - 31  
White William - 31  
Warren James M - 211 - 39 - 187  
Wallace T.H. - 42 - [[Crossout]] 4 [[/Crossout]] - 64 -111  
Watson Washington - 44  
Woodfolk Alexander - 44  
Walls Cornelius - 45 - 58  
Withers Henry - 53  
Walker John - 53  
Wood Leon - 60  
Waller Nace - 67 - 93  
Wither Lewis - 69 
Worthington Thomas - 69 
Welch Logan - 69 
Wilson Isaac - 69 
Woodfolk James - 73 - 93 - 131 
Williams Robert - 80 
Wallace Jordan - 79 
Wheeler Robert - 79 - 91 
Waters Jefferson - 84 
Washington George - 86 
Wade Jordan - 86 
Wells Lucy - 115 
Williams Stephen - 115 
Wallace Washington - 115 
Walker Robert - 116 
Walker Lewis - 116 
White Murry - 116 
Woolbridge Rick - 117 

Wait Joseph - 117
White Abram - 117 - 130
Wiseacre Wilson - 117
White Henry - 117
Williams Beverly - 117
Wright Edward - 118 - 131
Wright Washington - 118 - 131
Winn James - 129
Walker Richmond - 129
Washington Louisa - 129
Woodcock Thomas - 135
Whaley Leah - 135
Whittemore Scipio - 143
White James - 146
Washington Rich'd - 147 - 166
Woods Robert - 147 - 166
Willis Crow - 147
Withers Thomas - 147
Walton Jane 152 - 228 - 166 - 185
Wallace Jordan - 152
Whaley John - 152 - 166
Wake Marshall - 152
Washington Sarah - 167
White Allen - 167 - 185
Walker Peter - 167
Wiley Harriet - 168
Walker Scott - 171
Williams Wm -171
Welch Stephen - 171
Warfield Isaac - 179 - 200 - 204
Watts Isaac - 178
Withers Peter - 180
Webster Hampton - 179 - 200
Washington George - 178
Winchester Zachariah - 178
Williams Daniel - 183
White James - 183
Wood William - 184
Williams Hannah - 183
Wait Jordan - 183
White Charles - 183
Wright William - 182
Willson or Williams Reese - 183
Warren James - 183 - 228  

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-08-04 22:01:37 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-08-06 21:53:20