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NARA 369
and somehow we took each other's discharge I never found out the mistake until I carried my paper to Mr. Buck who told me the discharge was wrong.  I never have seen Johnson since.
Qu: Where do you live now
Ans:  About 2 miles from Allensville between it and Elkton.
Qu:  Do you know anyone name Wm" Dabney
  Dabney is the man who applied for bounty in this case to Major A.P. Howe.
Ans:  No Sir.
Qu: Is there any other Wm" Hollins
Ans:  Yes Sir.  There is a young colored man named Wm" Hollins living in New Allensville depot, Ky about 2 miles from old Allensville He was never in the war, he was too young.
Qu: How tall a man is the other Wm" Hollins 
Ans:  He is a little higher than I am.
Qu:  How long have you known him
Ans:  Ever since he was a boy.  He came with me to Nashville but he was so young the doctor would not pass him and took him for a servant. He is a preacher now  I don't know that he has ever left home since the war.   

[[Left Margin]]
Statement of Wm Hollins
Co. A. 40 U.S.C.T.
2.' Endl.

FR., BR.,

Transcription Notes:
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