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NARA 399

A.F. Whitman.   R.S. Overall.
Whitman & Overall
Attorneys at Law.
64 1/2 North Cherry Street,
Nashville, Tenn. Jany 17th 1877.

Capt H.S. Hawkins
Louisville Ky.

Dear Sir;

I herewith enclose proof of identity of Lucy 
Whitman Colored Mother of Charles Whitman Colored 
Private Co. D, 12 Regt, U.S. Colored Troops, which 
I hope is satisfactory.

Will you be so kind as to inform me what 
amount has been allowed her upon her claim,

Very Respectfully
A. F. Whitman for Lucy Whitman

Lucy Whitman Colored
care of A. F. Whitman
Nashville, Tenn

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-24 00:36:18