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NARA 620

(FORM 24.)
James Howell. Private, "B" Co., 4th" Regt. U. S. C. Art'y (4,) was born in No record, State of Tennessee, was enlisted the 1" day of June, 1863, at Island Ten Tenn, by Liut Garman, and was mustered in the 27" day f June, 1863, at Columbus K'y, by Liut. T. J. James, for 3 years.
At the time of enlistment he was 18 years old, and 5 feet 5 1/2 inches in height. He was discharged [[strikethrough]] (or died) [[/strikethrough]] 25" day of February, 1866, at Pine Bluff Arkansas; Capt E. Webster was commanding officer, and Joshua Greene First Sergeant at time of soldiers Discharge. The following are the names of one or more of his company who enlisted at or about same time and place: Warren Hughes enlisted 1st" day of June, 1863, and Mutt Jackson enlisted 1st" day of June, 1863.

1. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted here.
2. Any other peculiar fact or event connected with the soldier's history will also be noted.

Joined Co. at Orig'l Organ: Muster rolls from Organ: to June 30th/64, "Present for duty." roll for July & Aug't /64.
"Absent Military Prison Columbus K'y. for Sept. & Oct. /64.
"Present for duty," with remark. One months pay forfeited to U.S. per Gen'l Or'd: No. 3. H'd Q'rs Post Columbus K'y dated Aug't 18th./64. for Nov: & Dec: /64. "Absent in Military prison Columbus Ky." rolls from Dec: 31st./64, to Dec: 31st/65 "Present for duty." He was present and mustered out with Company.
He is borne as a "Slave" on the Muster Out Roll of Co.)
Bill Ne[[?]] Tenn.
(Occupation - Laborer, Eyes, Black, Hair, Black, Complexion, Yellow.)